Associations help the poor

1 - In the Paradise of the world

Why oh people you do not think
enter the Paradise of the world and rejoice
in that Paradise where the eulijas enter
those who are the loved ones of the Most High God

There are no worries
there is no concern
there is only pleasure
to eternity

There with Allah
secili ben trade
sells life, his own soul
and in exchange there is Paradise

Where the heart finds rest
and the spirit of comfort
in close proximity to Allah the Exalted
happy is that man

Love of Allah
and obedience to Him
hearts catch them
bring them happiness

Like everyone
who needs His Lord
let us return to Allah
and create this closeness

Friendship with Allah
it only brings benefit
so let us turn to Allah
and draw near to Him

Let us cultivate in our hearts
love for Him
who forgave us our lives
we will return to Him

In obedience to Him
to live life
that the Paradise of the world
kindly enjoy it

And Kerim
please only You
to make us of Your loved ones
Let us try the paradise of the world
that we may enter and live in the Paradise of the Hereafter!

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