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the meaning of the word ISLAM

Fjala Islam domethënë “Submission”Or“DeliveryThe will of God. The word Islam is derived from the root of the word "salam", which means peace.
In the Qur’an, God determines that the only purpose for which He created mankind is to worship Him. Islam recognizes that mankind has free choice as to whether or not to obey God, but ultimately we will be accountable before God in the next world for the choices we have made in this life.

Allah sent a Prophet to teach mankind how to worship Him. Islam acknowledges the close relationship between body and soul. While the body originates from the earth and has a certain period of life on this earth, the soul originates from God and does not die. Islam encourages the individual to focus on keeping the soul healthy, through memory, obedience and worship of God. There must be a precise balance in strengthening the soul and not abusing the pleasures of the body. Islam is the natural way of life that encourages the individual to pay due attention to their relationship with God and His creation.. Islam teaches that it is achieved by doing good deeds and seeking the pleasure of God for souls to find true happiness and peace.. It is in this context that the word "salam" is derived., or peace.


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