Associations help the poor

2 - Stop it man

You wander confused

in worldly life

while your sins

have been added immensely

You continue to disobey them

To the One who created you

forgetting the goodness

that He gave them

In His kingdom

lives without fear

in disobedience to Him

breaks orders without thinking

You feed on His risk

and does not think at all

that Allah Almighty

he sees your work

But your eyes

towards this life directs them

forget the Hereafter

he does not think about what awaits you

How your heart dances

finds peace

when obedience to the Creator

you forgot it

How can you

to be happy

when you forget your sins

in the past life

Stop it man

remember that death

one day it will come

to your Creator

you will be back

and for your deeds

you will be held accountable

Think man

how are you in this world

that death soon comes

and suddenly kidnaps you

Return to Allah

ashamed and repentant

with the water of penance

cry incessantly

ask forgiveness for your sins

and hope in Mercy

of Allah Almighty!

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