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5 That I left you with so much longing

The night of the mirage
The promised day
where Allah from hell
there is a lot to release

Pilgrimage to Arafat
close the obligatory Hajj
and some others the desired one
Anyway, oh my god
please worship
you have accepted the pilgrims
te lus Ty o Allah
to have mercy on us

We worship only You
for the day of Arafat
that you have enabled us
We thank YOU
Except for one special Dua
I have to ask for it

When I ask You
Me and Salafis
that they have to read
I beg you to love
to have accepted us

Te lus Ty O Allah
with the most beautiful name
you let him hide it
you haven't discovered it
although the scholars
for many names
have argued

Then I beg you
not the Hereafter
to be saved
Your pleasure
I wish I won it

On this day of Arafat
that only you have made it possible for me
te lus Ty o Allah
that the burden of sins
to have left me

Sincerely, please
and I repent to You
I pray that you repent
to have accepted me
and on this Day of Arafat
prej gjynaheve inshaAllah
to be cleansed

On the day of Arafat
on the promised day
to forgive my sins
of the coming year
and last year.

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