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5 - Do not forget… !

Do not forget…
That Allah is above the Throne
He also watches you in secret
therefore turn away from sins and fear Him
even when you are alone
Do not forget…
That God created you for a purpose
that you worship Him the Exalted
so be careful not to reach the goal
and then become one of the desperate
Do not forget…
That worldly life is transient
and you are on the journey
do not be distracted by the station of the world
that the life of this world is but play and amusement
Do not forget…
That the caravan of people moves forward
wise and deceived are on the journey
which of them prepares for the trip wins
and for every one who is deceived there is misery
Do not forget…
That your enemies are on alert
to strike with loss have desire
luftoje nefsin tend, worldly and satanic
that you are on the side of Allah and He will help
Do not forget…
That you should live according to the Book of Allah
and the Sunnah of His Messenger
to be in the Manhaj of Es Salafus Salih
in order to gain His Pleasure
Do not forget…
That life may seem long to you
but it is not as you think
be careful to fear Allah at all times
that death is not known when it can come
Do not forget…
That the Angel of Death that takes souls
is awaiting His command
to come and take your soul too
whether prepared or careless
Do not forget…
That grave life is scary
your eye is accustomed to light
while the tomb from darkness is covered
and you will be alone every day
Do not forget…
That Israfil is waiting for the command of Allah
to blow the Trumpet furiously
and then the Day of Judgment
and each to be taken into account
Do not forget…
How will you appear before Allah?
how will you respond when you take into account
O servant of Allah with all these sins on his back
dance how you will return to Him?!

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