Associations help the poor

6 - Love of Allah and His Beloved

Blessed are the beloved slaves of Allah
that make good life
entering the Paradise of this world
which precedes the Paradise of the Hereafter

He is the Paradise of knowledge and love
closeness to Allah, malli for You
rejoicing in His Pleasure
and everything else only for Him

Beloved slaves of Allah
have great love for Him
who created them, perfected and honored them
and guided them

Whose hearts
are filled with light
they are not fragmented
but they turn to Allah alone

Mention of the highest beloved
love, longing and finding rest near Him
become the rulers of these hearts
and everything revolves around this axis

All motives
come together and become one
for the sake of gaining Pleasure
that Allah always

If they calm down
calm down for Allah
if they speak, hear or watch
only for His sake
and this is the condition of His loved ones

Love of Allah
is the most commendable
that benefits man
and forgive him happiness

After humility towards Allah
te zenurit e kohes me permendjen e Tij
te gezuarit me dashurine e Tij
kjo pa dyshim i sjell zemres kenaqesi

Dhe pikerisht kjo kenaqesi
eshte jeta e shpirtit
dhe burimi i lumturise
per roberit qe e duan Ate, te Lartesuarin
si dhurate nga Zoti i Gjithesise!

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