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The Japanese academic who converted to Islam teaches Islam to his students

Japanese academic, Naoki Yamamoto, who converted to Islam 12 years ago and settled in Turkey, provides religious education in Istanbul for students who converted to Islam in his home country.

Akademiku japonez 32-year-old Kayyim Naoki Yamamoto, who came to Konya to attend the International Conversion Congress, for Anadolu Agency (AA) explained how he was introduced to Islam.

Yamamoto said morality and social teachings in Islam influenced him and said he became a Muslim 12 years ago.

Noting that he decided to come to Turkey to learn about the orders and bans, rules and history of Islam, Yamamoto said he studied Turkish at an education center in Istanbul, Arabic and Persian, Quran and Islamic sciences.

The number of converts to Islam is growing in Japan

He said he continues his academic studies as a member of the Doctoral Faculty at Marmara University. "After meeting Islam, there were people who congratulated me. I converted to Islam on the occasion of my university teacher in Japan, who converted to Muslim. The number of Muslims in Japan is growing. "There are many students who convert to Islam.", tha Yamamoto.

"Every year new students come. Being a Muslim is very easy in Japan, but living as a Muslim is important. Information about Islam in Japan is very lacking. "It is difficult to live with a Muslim identity.", emphasizes the Japanese academic.

"We are preparing Muslim intellectuals"

"After I became a Muslim I came to Turkey to learn how to worship, what is halal and what is haram ", says Yamamoto.

"I experienced great happiness when I became a Muslim. I am now running a project, bringing the Japanese converted to Islam to Turkey. I teach them Islam and culture. They also learn Turkish, Arabic and Persian. We train Muslim intellectuals, we give them training opportunities. I currently have 5 young Muslim students ", yes ai.

Yamamoto reveals that they meet regularly in private premises and in the study hall of a foundation. "We develop lessons with the online education program. These students will carry out these educational activities even when they return to Japan. My students will be trained so that Muslims there are not deprived of knowledge. "Those others and so on will continue on this path.", yes ai.

"I will explain Islam when I return to Japan"

One of Yamamoto's students, 24-old, Hussein Jumpei Watanabe, coming from Nagoya, Japan said he became a Muslim 5 years ago.

Watanabe said he was very impressed by the plight of Muslims living in difficult times in Syria and Iraq.. "It simply came to our notice then, I was introduced to Islam. I am currently learning the language in Turkey. I studied social sciences in my country. "When I return to Japan I will explain Islam.".

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