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The EU and Britain reach agreement on fishery quotas for the year 2021

Between the European Union (BE) and Britain reach agreement on negotiations to set fishing quotas for the year 2021, transmits Anadolu Agency (AA).

An announcement from the EU Commission states that the agreement reached between the EU and Britain sets the fishing quotas for the year 2021 ABOUT 75 types and permits to be granted for some deep sea reserves.

WHEREAS, it is announced that the technical details of the agreement in question have not been shared yet.

The fisheries and quotas in question were the most difficult topics in the EU-Britain Brexit negotiations. The trade and cooperation agreement between the parties provided for the reduction of the EU quota in British waters 25 percent by the year 2026 and to set separate annual quotas for each type of fish.

The administration of the British Isle of Jersey in May urged French fishing vessels that wanted to continue fishing in their waters, present evidence relating to their fishing activities in the past. This situation caused tensions between Britain and France.

France then threatened the island of Jersey with power outages, while also the French fishermen with the blockade of the island port.

The British government as a precaution sent two fleet ships to the island of Jersey, and after this situation the French government in response decided to send two ships of its fleet to the region.

After the end of the blockade of the French fishermen, the ships of the fleet withdrew reciprocally.

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