Associations help the poor


Belief in the Last Day includes belief in everything that happens after death starting from the hanging test where man is asked about three things: Belief in the Last Day includes belief in everything that happens after death starting from the hanging test where man is asked about three things, Belief in the Last Day includes belief in everything that happens after death starting from the hanging test where man is asked about three things. Belief in the Last Day includes belief in everything that happens after death starting from the hanging test where man is asked about three things. Pas sprovës në var pason dënimi apo kënaqësia e varit. “E sikur t’i shihje të padrejtët (Belief in the Last Day includes belief in everything that happens after death starting from the hanging test where man is asked about three things) kur janë në agoni të vdekjes dhe melekët duke i shtrirë duart e tyre për t’i rahur. when they are in agony of death and the angels stretching out their hands to beat them, ju sot përjetoni dënimin e turpshëm përshkak se e thoshit të pavërtetën për All-llahun dhe ndaj argumenteve të Tij ishit kryeneç”. (when they are in agony of death and the angels stretching out their hands to beat them 93). "Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian of all things.": “Zjarr në të cilin nënshtrohen në drekë dhe në mbrëmje dhe ditën kur vjen Çasti (when they are in agony of death and the angels stretching out their hands to beat them) futni pasuesit e Faraonit në dënimin më të keq”. (Mu'min 46). when they are in agony of death and the angels stretching out their hands to beat them, Pejgamberi a.s u ka thënë sahabëve që të kërkojnë mbrojtjen e All-llahu prej dënimit të varit.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging, they acknowledged that Allah is the One God and the Creator in whose hand is the power of all things, and this means that He alone deserves to be worshiped, and they acknowledge that He is the Lord and Creator of all things. :


  • The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hangingThe Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging[1], The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging: “Mos u frikësoni e as mos u pikëlloni dhe përgëzohuni me xhenetin që ju është premtuar”. (Fussilet 30)
  • and then on each hill put a part of themThe Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging, The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging. Dhe përse nëse ju nuk jeni përgjegjës (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging), then (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the Companions to seek the protection of Allaah from the punishment of hanging) nuk e ktheni atë (do not return it). What if he (do not return it) është prej të afërmve (do not return it). Ai ka (do not return it) pleasure, furnizim dhe xhenet të begatshëm”. (do not return it 83-89).
  • do not return it i zgjerohet vari aq sa mund të kaploj shikimi”. (do not return it).

The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true., The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true.: The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true., The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true.

The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true..


The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true., The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true.


The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true.:

There are many arguments in the Qur'an and Sunnah regarding punishment and contentment, There are many arguments in the Qur'an and Sunnah regarding punishment and contentment. There are many arguments in the Qur'an and Sunnah regarding punishment and contentment: “Këta të dy janë duke u dënuar në var” dhe në një hadith tjetër ka thënë se There are many arguments in the Qur'an and Sunnah regarding punishment and contentment, ndërsa tjetri ka përhapur fjalë në mes njerëzve me qëllim që t’i prish marrdhëniet mes tyre”. (Transmeton Buhariu).

There are many arguments in the Qur'an and Sunnah regarding punishment and contentment:

Man when he is asleep and sees in a dream as if he is in a good and spacious place in which he feels pleasure, Man when he is asleep and sees in a dream as if he is in a good and spacious place in which he feels pleasure, Man when he is asleep and sees in a dream as if he is in a good and spacious place in which he feels pleasure. Man when he is asleep and sees in a dream as if he is in a good and spacious place in which he feels pleasure. Man when he is asleep and sees in a dream as if he is in a good and spacious place in which he feels pleasure, Man when he is asleep and sees in a dream as if he is in a good and spacious place in which he feels pleasure (Man when he is asleep and sees in a dream as if he is in a good and spacious place in which he feels pleasure). As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah.: Man when he is asleep and sees in a dream as if he is in a good and spacious place in which he feels pleasure, and he who is asleep and has not died, and he who is asleep and has not died (and he who is asleep and has not died) dhe atë tjetrin (and he who is asleep and has not died) e lëshon deri në një afat të caktuar…” (and he who is asleep and has not died 42).

and he who is asleep and has not died:

and he who is asleep and has not died, and he who is asleep and has not died, he actually saw the Prophet a.s and all this happens while the man is in his bed being in reality far from what he saw in the dream. Pra përderisa kjo gjë është e mundshme në këtë botë, he actually saw the Prophet a.s and all this happens while the man is in his bed being in reality far from what he saw in the dream?!
he actually saw the Prophet a.s and all this happens while the man is in his bed being in reality far from what he saw in the dream: The followers of loss have deviated from what was mentioned by saying that punishment and satisfaction in the gallows are not true., he actually saw the Prophet a.s and all this happens while the man is in his bed being in reality far from what he saw in the dream, he actually saw the Prophet a.s and all this happens while the man is in his bed being in reality far from what he saw in the dream.


he actually saw the Prophet a.s and all this happens while the man is in his bed being in reality far from what he saw in the dream ju themi atyre se nuk lejohet që të kundërshtohet ajo që ka ardhur në Kur’an dhe në Sunet dhe sikur t’i lexojë me zemër të hapur tekstet e Kur’anit dhe Sunetit për jetën e varit do t’i bëhej e qartë çështja.

We tell them that it is not permissible to dispute what has been said in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and if they read the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah with an open heart about the life of the dependent, the matter would become clear to them. ju themi atyre se çështjet që kanë të bëjnë me jetën e varit janë prej çështjeve të We tell them that it is not permissible to dispute what has been said in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and if they read the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah with an open heart about the life of the dependent, the matter would become clear to them. (We tell them that it is not permissible to dispute what has been said in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and if they read the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah with an open heart about the life of the dependent, the matter would become clear to them.) We tell them that it is not permissible to dispute what has been said in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and if they read the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah with an open heart about the life of the dependent, the matter would become clear to them. (We tell them that it is not permissible to dispute what has been said in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and if they read the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah with an open heart about the life of the dependent, the matter would become clear to them.).

We tell them that it is not permissible to dispute what has been said in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and if they read the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah with an open heart about the life of the dependent, the matter would become clear to them. ju themi atyre se dënimi, we tell them that punishment, we tell them that punishment. we tell them that punishment, we tell them that punishment, we tell them that punishment

we tell them that punishment. we tell them that punishment, we tell them that punishment. Or the angel came to the Prophet in human form and spoke to him while the Companions neither saw nor heard the angel..

Or the angel came to the Prophet in human form and spoke to him while the Companions neither saw nor heard the angel. ju themi atyre se perceptimet e njeriut janë të kufizuara aq sa ka dashur All-llahu dhe se shqisat e njeriut nuk mund që të perceptojnë çdogjë që ekziston, Or the angel came to the Prophet in human form and spoke to him while the Companions neither saw nor heard the angel.. As for the senses which testify to the existence of Allah Almighty is the fact that we hear and see how Allah answers the prayers of the supplicants, which is a clear proof of the existence of Allah.: “Lartmadhëri (Or the angel came to the Prophet in human form and spoke to him while the Companions neither saw nor heard the angel.) i shprehin Atij shtatë qiejt dhe toka dhe çka ka në to, e nuk ka asnjë send që nuk i bën tesbih duke shprehur falënderim, por ju nuk e kuptoni tesbihun e tyre, Ai është i butë dhe falë shumë”. (so when I forget you remind me ”. 44). Pra nëse ne nuk mund që të shohim çdogjë që ekziston, atëherë nuk na lejohet që të mohojmë çdogjë që nuk shohim, siç ka thënë All-llahu për xhinët dhe shejtanët: “O children of Adam!, të mos ju mashtrojë kurrsesi shejtani sikurse i nxori prindërit tuaj nga xheneti, zhveshi petkun e tyre që t’ju dalë në shesh lakuriqësia e tyre. Vërtet ai (shejtani) dhe shoqëria e tij ju sheh, ndërsa ju nuk e shihni. Ne i kemi bërë shejtanët miq të atyre që nuk besojnë”. (el Araafë 27).



O Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sink: “O Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sinkO Messenger of Allah, our houses will be destroyed and our wealth will sink

to the poor: "Shall we abandon our masters for a mad poet?"


[1] Ata të cilët vdiqën me këtë fjalë.

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