Associations help the poor

Allah Almighty has said

Two friends had a disagreement, Two friends had a disagreement.

Two friends had a disagreement. Two friends had a disagreement. Two friends had a disagreement, Two friends had a disagreement: Two friends had a disagreement, Two friends had a disagreement!Two friends had a disagreement.
Two friends had a disagreement, Two friends had a disagreement. Two friends had a disagreement. Two friends had a disagreement, Two friends had a disagreement: Two friends had a disagreement, Two friends had a disagreement!”
Two friends had a disagreement, therefore, Two friends had a disagreement: "Why when I slapped you the first time, "Why when I slapped you the first time, "Why when I slapped you the first time?!”
"Why when I slapped you the first time: "Why when I slapped you the first time, "Why when I slapped you the first time, "Why when I slapped you the first time, "Why when I slapped you the first time, "Why when I slapped you the first time, "Why when I slapped you the first time, "Why when I slapped you the first time
"Why when I slapped you the first time!
"Why when I slapped you the first time?
Allah Almighty has said: Allah Almighty has said, Allah Almighty has said, Allah Almighty has said. really, Allah Almighty has said (Allah Almighty has said, 40)
Allah Almighty has said, Allah Almighty has said (Allah Almighty has said) people, Allah Almighty has said (Ali Imran, 134)

Allah Almighty has said: Allah Almighty has said

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