Associations help the poor

Punished with 14 years imprisonment, 6 from 7 the accused in the case of a minor in Drenas December 23, 2021

The Basic Court in Prishtina has announced the verdict against the accused SH.XH, V.V, G.H, F.C, I.R, G.Z and H.H, in the case of a minor in Drenas.

As reported, the accused Sh.XH., has been found guilty of the criminal offense of Sexual Abuse by abusing his position, authority or profession and the offense of inciting sexual acts with a false promise of marriage, and has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 4 (four) screw e 6 (six) month.

Defendant V.V., has been found guilty of the criminal offense of Sexual Abuse by abusing his position, authority or profession and the criminal offense of Incitement to terminate a pregnancy and has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 4 (four) YEARS.

Defendant G.H., has been found guilty of the criminal offense of Sexual Abuse by abusing his position, authority or profession and has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 2 (two) YEARS.

Defendant F.C., has been found guilty of the criminal offense of Sexual Abuse by abusing his position, authority or profession and has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 2 (two) years provided that within 3 (three) years does not commit another criminal offense.

Defendant I.R., has been found guilty of the criminal offense of Sexual Abuse by abusing his position, authority or profession and has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 2 (two) years provided that within 3 (three) years does not commit another criminal offense.

Defendant G. WITH., Confused article 364 par.1 pika 1.3 is acquitted of the criminal offense of Intimidation during the proceedings under Article 395 of the CCRK.

meanwhile, to the accused H.H.. conform article 363 par.1 under par.1.1 the court has rendered a rejection judgment for the criminal offense of Sexual Abuse by abusing position, authority or profession by art 239 par.1 pika 1.3 of the CCRK.

The parties have the right to appeal against this decision in the Court of Appeals of Kosovo, through this court.

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