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Cherries also have a connection to the heart?

The queen of spring is definitely the cherry: a small fruit with a rounded shape, of tulle, red skin and a particularly sugary taste.

Botanically speaking, the cherry belongs to the Rosaceae family, which also includes other fruits like peaches, plums and apricots, writes Cherries are divided into two broad categories: sweet cherries (Prunus avium), which are the most common ones with a red skin and cherries that are bitter.
Regardless of size, cherries represent a source of well-being.Heart: Thanks to the presence of powerful antioxidants, Cherries are a real medicine for heart health. The nutrients and minerals from which they are made represent effective cardioprotectors, as they allow to keep the heartbeat stable, with a marked decrease in heart attack.

They help lower blood pressure levels. Immune system: thanks to the high concentration of vitamin C., carotenoids and flavonoids, cherries are an excellent protector against bacterial infections, viral infections, fever and colds.
casing: The dietary fiber present in them prevents the occurrence of constipation, acids on the contrary favor digestion and vitamins allow the correct absorption of nutrients.

Nervous system: flavonoids and carotenoids improve brain activity and in particular memory. peelings: the presence of vitamins A and C in cherries is a natural beauty mask for the skin, stimulates collagen production, not for nothing else on the market are especially popular cherry based body creams.

Eyes: Antioxidants, with which cherries are rich, play an important role in eye health, protecting them from the aging process, infections and drought.
Muscular system: rich in fiber, magnesium and vitamin C, they are an excellent cure for muscle healing after intense exercise. It is no coincidence that cherry-based supplements and juices are becoming increasingly popular.

They help keep blood cholesterol levels constant, the sugar from which they are made contains levulose, which has no specific contraindications, therefore they are a fruit particularly suitable for those suffering from diabetes.

They have a high saturation index and a low calorific value, excellent for those who need to lose weight. They contain vitamin K., which is beneficial for proper blood clotting.

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