Associations help the poor

He is the Hearer

Education with Allah means good submission to Him, Education with Allah means good submission to Him, Education with Allah means good submission to Him, Education with Allah means good submission to Him.

  • Education with Allah means good submission to Him, Education with Allah means good submission to Him, Education with Allah means good submission to Him.
  • Education with Allah means good submission to Him, Education with Allah means good submission to Him: Education with Allah means good submission to Him, Education with Allah means good submission to Him, reading the Qur'an, reading the Qur'an, reading the Qur'an, reading the Qur'an.
  • reading the Qur'an, reading the Qur'an, reading the Qur'an.

Manifestimi i edukatës me Allahun

  • Sinqeritetit me Allahun në çdo fjalë dhe vepër, reading the Qur'an.

tell: reading the Qur'an, reading the Qur'an, reading the Qur'an, and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord?, and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord?, e në adhurimin ndaj Zotit të tij të mos e përziej askë”. (Kahf, 110)

  • Njësimi i Allahut and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord?, dhe besimi i plotë se vetëm Allahu është meritori që t’i kushtohet ibadeti dhe çdo gjë përveç Tij është e kotë. "It simply came to our notice then, and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord?, and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord?. and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord?, i Madhi.” (and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord?, 62)
  • and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord? duke qenë i vetëdijshëm për mirësitë e panumërta të Allahut mbi robin që nga krijimi i tij, gjë për të cilën Ai është më meritori që të duhet. being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation, being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation, being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation (being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation) being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation, being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation. being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation (in the other world), being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation (being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation) being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation (being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation, 165)
  • Sanctification of signs (Sanctification of signs) të fesë

For, Sanctification of signs: “Kush madhëron atë që All-llahu e bëri të shenjtë, Sanctification of signs. Sanctification of signs, Sanctification of signs (Sanctification of signs), pra largohuni nga ndytësitë e idhujve dhe largohuni fjalës shpifëse”. (and who is he that hopes for the meeting of his Lord?, 30)

Sanctification of signs, Sanctification of signs, Sanctification of signs, siç janë; Sanctification of signs, Sanctification of signs, Sanctification of signs, Sanctification of signs, Sanctification of signs, xhamisë el-Aksa, al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Aqsa Mosque), al-Aqsa Mosque.

  • al-Aqsa Mosque dhe nënshtrimi ndaj tyre duke mos kundërshtuar apo dyshuar. al-Aqsa Mosque, al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Aqsa Mosque) al-Aqsa Mosque, al-Aqsa Mosque (al-Aqsa Mosque) të mos ndjejnë pakënaqësi nga gjykimi yt dhe të mos dorëzohen me dorëzim”. (al-Aqsa Mosque, 65)
  • al-Aqsa Mosque
    "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do." ("He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do.", 25)
  • "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do." "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do." edhe imani i plotë se ajo çfarë Allahu dëshiron të ndodh, "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do.", "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do.", it is not done. “Ne çdo send kemi krijuar me ("He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do." )"He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do." (Room 49)
  • "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do." "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do." "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do." që e ka emërtuar Veten e Tij apo e ka emërtuar i dërguari i Tij dhe besimi në cilësitë e Tij që Ai e ka cilësuar Veten ose atë e ka bërë i dërguari i Tij. "He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do.", He is the Hearer, He is the Hearer. ("He is the One who accepts the repentance of His slaves and expiates the evil and knows what you do.", 11)

to the poor: E. He is the Hearer

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