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The effect of avocado on our health

Avocados are often called superfoods.

It is a very healthy fruit, rich in nutrients and brings many benefits, and some of them are not even known to the greatest donors.

Whether you can not imagine a favorite salad without guacamole sauce or you like to add avocado slices to your breakfast sandwich, no one can say that avocado is not a delicious fruit that goes well with anything and everything.

Thanks to the fact that it contains more fat than all fruits, and at the same time good fats, will be much more filling than, for example, apples or pears.

Except this, it has a surprising and lesser-known characteristic - it is a great source of potassium, so it works great for muscle aches.

"Avocados contain more potassium than bananas, which helps relieve muscle cramps ”, experts explain. For comparison, a medium-sized banana can contain about 422 milligramsë potassium, while an avocado roughly as large contains about 690 milligrams of this important mineral.

For more, a medium-sized avocado contains approx 12 milligrams of vitamin C which is also associated with the relief of muscle pain.

Also worth mentioning is a study last year that showed that avocados help stabilize blood pressure faster after exercise.

Because it is full of calories and fat, avocados should not be just on the menu of people trying to lose weight, at least not every day.

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