Associations help the poor

The beautiful names of Allah

1. ALL-LLAH. It is the greatest name of the Creator that testifies to the Absolute Being, name by which all other divine qualities and attributes are included. It is a proper name and is not derived, means it is not derived from any other word. As such the term is used only to prove Necessary and Absolute Existence. Every other beautiful name of Allah comes as an indication of Him, when they are together. “Huvallahu ledhi la ilahe il-la huve”- "He is Allah who has no other deity worthy of worship besides Him..." (El-Hashr,23) or "Allahu la ilaha il-la huwa rabbul Arshil adhim"-"Allah is one, that there is no god worthy of worship except Him, Lord of the Great Throne", (One-Namely, 26)ETC..

IN so he wrote a book this name is used 2690 time, while if we add the name derived from this name "Lil-lah", or "ilah" or "lehu" or "huve", then he appears to have been mentioned above 2700 time.

No one else has been named with this divine name, nor can anyone else be named. Even this is a divine challenge for all humanity, because Allah Almighty. say : "Do you know about Him? (being aware of Allah's innumerable bounties on the slave since his creation) other denominator" ?! (Maryam, 65)

With the word Allah, more than thirty-five verses of the Qur'an have been opened, spread across different chapters of the Qur'an.

Emri Allah, it means that there is no other worshiper who deserves to be worshiped except Him.

It is undoubtedly the greatest and brightest name of the Creator, for which he also gave a sign Prophet OUR, I know, if someone prays to God with His greatest name, gives man what he asks for.

It should be known that only with the name of Allah is the Islamic testimony completed, which is "La ilaha il-la Allah, "Muhammad the Messenger of Allah".

Allah to the 99 names or properties, together with “Allah” BECOME 100.

By this high divine name, we start every job, and with this name all the chapters of the Qur'an are opened, means with

(Bismillah Rahmani Rahim)

1. ALLAH – Zot

2. Ar-Rahman – the All-Merciful. He who extends His mercy to all creatures, without distinction between believers and unbelievers.

3. AIR-BEAT - Mercy. He Who rewards the faithful with His mercy, especially in the future world.

4. El-Melik – The ruler. He who rules this universe as He wants.

5. EL-KUDDUS – Pastries , the Holy, The Shining - Allah is pure and free from any blemish or deficiency that may be ascribed to him.

6. ICE-DIVING – The Peacemaker – He gives peace and tranquility, only in Him is salvation.

7. EL-MU'MIN – The Insurer and the Promise Holder. Almighty Allah does not break His promise, means that on the Day of Judgment, He will protect His sincere slaves from the punishment of the fire.

8. El-Muhejmin – The ruler, OVERSEER. Another meaning of this name is that Allah is the Protector and Overseer of everything that happens in this existence..

9. El-Aziz – The Almighty, Great. His power covers this universe; no one is equal to His Power.

10. EL-XHEBBAR – in the chapter edh-Dhariyat Allah has defined the purpose of the creation of mankind thus. Dominant over everything.

11. EL-MUTEKEBBIR – the majesty. His greatness cannot be compared to the perceptions of the human mind.

12. El-Khalik – The Creator, Who has created this entire existence, that we see and do not see. One and Peerless Creator.

13. EL-BARIU – The starter, Who created the creatures without any prior design, and His Will has been and is carried out through divine command: "be"!

14. EL-MUSAWWIR – The shape giver. He Who gave shape to all creatures, and among these creatures he distinguished man, which he created in the most beautiful form.

15. El-Gaffar – All-forgiveness. He Who forgives His slaves, whenever they turn to him for forgiveness. The name Gaffar also means that Allah covers the evils of His people-slaves, and forgives them in the Hereafter.

16. AL-KAHHAR - Power, Who defeats every criminal and destroys him as in this life, as well as in the Hereafter.

17. EL-VEHHAB – The giver. He Who bestows innumerable welfare and goodness on His creatures.

18. ER-RREZAK – The supplier. He Who supplies every creature with the necessities of life, regardless of whether he is a believer or an unbeliever.

19. EL-FETTAH – The solution provider. It is He Who opens the storehouses of His mercy for sincere slaves, but also Who judges justly in every matter.

20. EL-'ALIM – the All-Knowing. No action in this universe can escape His knowledge. He knows everything, our secrets and open actions. His knowledge encompasses this entire existence.

21. El-Kabid – The squeezer. In the Qur'an, it has come with several meanings. Among others, the taking of souls. Then it comes in the sense of stopping His mercy on the Day of Judgment for the disbelievers, ETC..

22. El-Basit – The giver. He who extends mercy and pours-provision for pious slaves.

23. EL-HAFIDU – Humility. He who humbles and humbles every arrogant and tyrant.

24. ER-RAFIU – The exalter. It is He who raises and exalts His loved ones.

25. EL-MUIZZU – The lifter. He who supports and empowers His pious slaves, who aim to benefit from His love and mercy.

26. EL-MUDHIL-L – The submitter. It is He who subjugates and humiliates the unbelievers because of their disbelief

27. IS-SEM'U – The listener, that hears everything, even the tiniest whisper. He cannot avoid any voice and not hear it.

28. El-Besir – The watcher. He who sees everything, and who oversees everything in this existence. Neither sleep nor idleness takes him. In the hand (care) and His vigilance is all existence.

29. HAND REFEREE – The judge. He is the fairest judge who does not wrong anyone in His judgment.

30. EL-'ADL – the Righteous. He is not influenced by feelings and emotions to do injustice to someone. His justice is absolute.

31. EL-LETIF – in Buti. Beneficent to His slaves.

32. El Khabir – the All-Knowing, Who is familiar and knowledgeable about everything that has happened and will happen. It is He Who knows the secret and the open, and is informed of every detail in this universe.

33. El-Halim – The scheming. He who is not in a hurry for revenge, it is painful to His slaves.

34. El-Adhim – Your Majesty, Whose greatness can never be perceived through the human senses.

35. El-Gafur – The Pardoner. He who forgives His slaves and accepts their repentance.

36. ESH-SHEKUR – Gratitude. He Who rewards His pious slaves immeasurably with rewards, for the sake of their deeds done in His name.

37. EL-ALIJJ – i Larti. Allah is perfect in His majesty. Exalted with the eternal divine qualities that show dominion and majesty over creatures.

38. El-Kebir – i Madhi. Allah is perfect in His attributes. There is no need for any of His creatures.

39. El-Hafidh – Custodian. Allah is the One who protects this universe from disorder.

40. EL-MUGS – The feeder. Allah is the creator of food, be it physical, be it spiritual. It is He Who has appointed food and sustenance for every creature, without distinction.

41. El-Hasib – Account taker. He Who will take all creatures to account.

42. AL-JALIL – The nobleman. Magnificent and perfect in His qualities. The difference between the name Al-Jalil and Al-Kabir, is that Al-Jalil means perfect in His qualities, Kurse El-Kebir – perfect in His Being, while the name El-Adhim includes both of these meanings.

43. EL-KERIM - Generosity. His favors have no end, His nobility is unparalleled.

44. ER-RREKIB – The Watcher. He Who oversees every process in this existence.

45. EL-MUXHIB – The Prayer Accepter. His mercy has preceded His bitterness, therefore He answers the prayer of the one who calls Him by humbly and devoutly praying to Him.

46. EL-VASIU – Comprehensiveness. His knowledge and dominion are all-encompassing.

47. El-Hakim – i Shocks. Stripped of any action that does not coincide with His majesty and perfection. With His divine wisdom He oversees and guides the creatures.

48. EU TRANSPORTATION – the Beloved. Allah loves His creatures, which know His greatness.

49. Al-Majid – the Glorious. His glory is eternal. He is Noble and Honest. He does no one wrong.

50. El-Baith – Revival.

51. ASH-SHAHID – The witness. From whom no deed of creatures can be avoided, without being a witness and a witness, and this implies that He is All-Knowing in His majesty.

52. ELECTRIC HOOK – The Truth. He Who has created all things in His perfect Wisdom. Everything in this universe, testifies to His true and undeniable existence.

53. ATTORNEY – Caring. He Who cares for the sustenance and sustenance of His creatures. Every creature relies on Him for care and refuge near His mercy.

54. EL-KAVIJJ – the Forts. It's Him, for Whom there is no obstacle, to realize His Will and determination. It is He who has full ability and strength to subdue everything in this existence.

55. HAND-TEXT – the unbreakable. The one who cannot be defeated. He is the Almighty Who does not feel tired in His actions.

56. EL-VELIJJU – The protector, Caregiver, The Sustainer Who loves and makes His loved ones surrender to every enemy.

57. El-Hamid – the Thankful. The One Who deserves thanks and praise from every creature.

58. EL-MUHSI – Omniscience. The All-Pervading and the All-Knowing, Which he cannot escape without evidence of any process, however small, in this universe.

59. EL-MUBDI – The initiator. It is Allah Who created this universe from non-existence.

60. EL-MU’ID – The Re-creator. It is He who recreates (GRAVE) second the creatures after death.

61. EL-MUHJI - The giver of life. He Who revives all creatures and gives them life, after they have become ashes and dust.

62. EL-MUMIT - Life taker. He Who kills all creatures, separating souls from bodies.

63. EL-HAJJ – the Living. This is Allah, Alive in His eternal vitality, beginningless and eternal, without end.

64. EL-KAJHUM – the Eternal. Who is not preceded by non-existence and is Eternal and Everlasting in His dominion.

65. EL-VAXHID – Creator of this Universe. In His hand is the rule, is Almighty for everything. He oversees every process. Not a single note is lost in Him.

66. AL-MAJHID – honorable. He Who is Honest, Generous and Noble.

67 & 68. El-Vahid, EL-EHAD – One Only. Allah has no partner in rulership. He has no children, consort nor rival in rule. Allah is one and unique, unique, and unique, one and unrepeatable in existence, individuality, His attributes and actions. No one can oppose Him.

69. IS-SAMED – Independent of all things

70. El-Kadir – the Mighty. The Only Sustainer, Whose power cannot be compared. With His power He created all creatures.

71. HAND-ABLE – the Almighty. Who accomplishes all that He has determined.

72. EL-MUKADDIM – The initiator, The priority giver. It is Allah Who brings every thing to its proper place.

73. EL-MUEHHIR - The legacy. He Who delays any punishment or punishment.

74. EL-EVVELU – in Pari. He was not preceded by existence.

75. El-Akhiru – last. He is eternal even after the destruction of the universe and the creatures he distributed in it.

76. EDH-OBVIOUS – the Visible, with the arguments and signs of His power over everything.

77. EL-BATIN – the invisible. It cannot be reached by the sight of creatures.

78. EL-VALI– The leader. He Who controls and oversees everything.

79. EL-MUTEALI – the Most High. It is He Who is stripped of all entanglement with creatures.

80. EL-BERR – Benefactor. He Who extends goodness and blessings to His slaves.

81. ET-TEVVAB – The penitent. Allah is the One Who accepts sincere repentance from His servants and forgives their mistakes.

82. El-Muntekim – The Punisher. The Only One Who can punish the creatures for the sins committed.

83. EL-AFUVVU – The sinner. He who erases mistakes and sins. He who forgives His slaves after repentance.

84. ER-RREUF – the Compassionate. His mercy and compassion towards creatures is always present.

85. MALIKUL-MULK – The ruler. He has absolute power and control over everything he created.

86. DHUL-XHELALI VEL IKRAM – To Him belongs the greatness and honor. The absolute One, perfect in His qualities.

87. EL-MUKSIT – The law giver. He is righteous in His judgment. He does no wrong to anyone.

88. EL-XHAMIU – The piper. It is He who gathers all creatures to account before His Majesty.

89. EL-GANIJ – the Rich. He Who needs nothing in His Being, neither in His attributes nor in His actions.

90. EL-MUGNI - The property owner. He Who bestows goodness and wealth on whomever He loves among creatures.

91. El-mani'u – The Depriver. It is He Who stops evil and trials by protecting and preserving what He loves.

92. ED-DARRU - Negligence. With His harm He strikes whom He will of the creatures if they are ungrateful to His bounties.

93. EN-NAFI'U – Beneficiality. Beneficial is in His power, and He brings good and benefit to whom He wills from among His slaves.

94. EN NUR - The light. Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth.

95. El-Hadi – The guide. He Who created everything and then guided them.

96. EL-BEDIU – The inventor. The creator of existence from non-existence.

97. El-Baki – the Eternal. The Eternal without beginning and without end.

98. EL-VARITH – The heir. The Eternal after the destruction of creatures.

99. AR-RESHID – The inspirer. guide, I Dituri.

100. IS-SABUR - Patience. It is He Who is not hasty with punishment, but look, waits and delays, and yet none can escape His punishment who has denied His light and divine guidance.[1]

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