Associations help the poor

Praise be to Allaah that our house has a door

On the roof of an old house was a small room, in which lived a widow with her young son. They both lived in quite difficult conditions, however this small family was pleased with its fate…

What bothered the woman the most was the rainfall during the winter season because their room consisted only of walls and a wooden door. – at the top. Fortunately, the first four years, since the birth of the son, in their city there was no rain except for a few small rains that did not last long.

For, one day, the sky was covered with dense clouds which promised rain. As soon as night came the rain started to fall, all rushed to shelter in their homes. The woman and her son took refuge in their small room, but still the rain could not escape. So wet, the surprised boy looked at his mother, and sat down on her lap to protect herself from the rain.

Mother rushed to the door of their small room, removed the door and leaned against the wall, and put the boy under the door to protect him from the rain which was incessantly falling. The boy happily looked at his mother and so pleased told her:

“What do you think mother, what do the poor do who have no door when it rains?”

(The boy at this point thought he was rich, because he had a door in his house.)


Pleasure is a good trait - it is the source of happiness and serenity.

Nga Ebu Saed Al-Hudrij, radijallahu anhu, it is narrated that the Prophet, salallahu alejhi ue selem, said: “O Ebu Seid, whoever is pleased with Allah as his Lord, with Islam as his religion and with Muhammad as his messenger, paradise becomes obligatory”. (Muslim)

Ibn Qayyim has said about pleasure: “These are the highest doors to Allah, rest for the sincere captives, and Paradise was theirs in this world.”

Praise be to Allaah who has protected us and our families from the calamities that afflicted other people and bestowed upon us the good that many of His creatures have been denied.

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