Associations help the poor

Fetva no. 292


My father died and left behind two wives (was married to two women), and each of them dwells in a separate house with their children.

He left a legacy and property to both parties.

Are they obliged to sacrifice their father?, if yes, then how is the money withdrawn for the purchase of the sacrifice made!?



Family members are not obliged (HEIRS) of the father of the questioner to sacrifice for him.

because, Sacrifice for the dead is not an obligation, but it is a liked work according to the most correct opinion of the scholars.

Pos, if the deceased has left a will and left money (for) to be slaughtered after his death (then they are obliged to sacrifice the dead, to be entrusted).

From Allah comes success, greetings be upon our messenger, his family and friends.

Standing Committee on Fatwas.

Fetuaja, no. 22591

Committee members:

Dr. Salih bin Feuzan el Feuzan

Abdullah Ibn Muhammad al Mutlak

Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman Ibn Gudejan

Abdulaziz Ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Alu Sheikh(Chairman of the commission)

Abdullah ibën Ali er Rukban

From Arabic: Suad B. Shabani

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