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Fetva no. 295


Some people do not pay attention and tolerate talking loosely with foreign women.

P.Sh. A man (husband's friend) comes and visits her husband at home, sees the woman starts leafing with him, serves coffee or tea,is such a thing allowed, knowing that her husband is not home at those moments (is expected to come in the meantime)!?



The Muslim sister is not allowed to enter (to accept) guest in her house no male being present her husband in the house, be that close friend of the husband, whether he is sincere or pious, such a thing is forbidden to the Muslim sister.

Muhammad, alejhi selam, thote:

A man is not alone with a woman except with a mahram, and a woman does not travel without a mahram.

"Women should not be lonely with anyone, except that being with her mahrem (brother, father, ETC.).

And do not travel female alone, except by being with her mahram. ”

(Bukhari; 5233, Muslim; 1341)

also, a Muslim is not allowed to enter the house of his Muslim brother, if there is only his wife, she must not insist on going inside without her husband being there, even though he thinks he has confidence in himself, but often the accursed Satan has managed to deceive many people.

The husband is obliged to advise and warn his wife, not to accept foreign men into the house, if her husband is not present, be that male his close friend, his kojshija, or even his relative(mixha, they give, djali mixhês, aunt devil, my aunt's son, uncle's son) and so on,for all the above are considered foreigners and not mahrams to the woman in question.

Muhamedi alejhi selam, said:

Beware of entering the women.

They said, O Messenger of God, did you see the father-in-law?

He said: mother-in-law death.

"Be afraid and do not enter women (do not be alone with women you do not have in mahram).

The Companions told him: O Messenger of Allah: Po, her brother-in-law?

Prophet, alejhi selam,tha:

"Her brother-in-law (brother's brother) death counts for him. ”

(Bukhari and Muslim from Ukbeta Ibn Amir radiyAllahu anhu).

Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman al-Jibrin, May Allah have mercy on him.

From Arabic: Suad B. Shabani

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