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Six dead from coronavirus in northern Macedonia

Northern Macedonia on Thursday registered six deaths from COVID-19, caused by the coronavirus.

According to the Ministry of Health, the victims are: of two in Skopje (75 AND 76 aged) and Tetovo (53 AND 77 aged) and one in Gostivar (58) and Bitola (79).

Everyone has died in hospitals.

According to the report, from 5,390 the tests done are recorded 639 new cases with COVID-19.

More infected have been registered: Skopje - 218, Tetovo - 113, Gostivar - 99, Strumica - 37, Kumanovo - 34 and Kichevo - 32.

According to the authorities, 22 patients healed inside 24 Hourly.

The number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 in northern Macedonia since the beginning of the epidemic is 159,908, the number of patients cured is 150,635, number of deaths 5,527, whereas the number of active cases is 3,746.

The Ministry of Health has announced an increase in the interest of citizens to be vaccinated. According to the announcement, as of Thursday over a million vaccines have been given.

"Interest in vaccination has increased significantly. Vaccination is ongoing across the country. in total 1,016,700 vaccine doses have been applied by them 454,788 citizens have received two doses ", it is stated in the notification of the Ministry of Health.

"Vaccines are safe and effective and are the only way to defeat the pandemic.. Only complete vaccination prevents the severe form of the disease, reduces the possibility of illness and loss of life ", stated in the notice.

Northern Macedonia by date 16 August restores austerity measures, ban on working indoors in the gastronomy sector, restaurants and wedding salons, which are believed to be the causes of the spread of the virus. /rel

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