Associations help the poor

First hijab-wearing Muslim woman to sit on Toronto city council

This week Ausma Malik made history by being elected as the first hijab-wearing Muslim woman to sit on Toronto City Council.

Monday's victory is not the first for Malik in the political sphere. They and other Adventist groups agreed that 2014 until 2018, she served as the Toronto District School Board Trustee for Ward 10-Trinity-Spadina, becoming the first hijab-wearing Muslim woman elected to public office in Canada.

Winning the place, Malik hopes to pave the way for more representation and involvement in municipal politics.

“What I'm most excited about is the next generation and the new generation of leaders, of activists in our community who will see a role for themselves in political leadership in our city that is about serving us all and making our city more equal. , more livable, more affordable and above all, to be a climate leader, “tha Malik.

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