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The woman who knew the Qur'an by heart!!

It is mentioned that a man taught the Qur'an to his wife every day!
And one day by day, husband researching after some personal things around the house, finds a box, which he had never seen before at home! He took it and opened it, and in it he found some diplomas and praises, for memorizing the Qur’an, even that in the name of his wife! Burri u habit, remained speechless and said to himself: How can my wife be a memorizer of the Qur'an?, and be appreciated by eminent scholars, and I do not know?!
He asked the woman: How is it possible that you are a memorizer when I am now learning the Qur'an??!
He replied: My boyfriend, you never asked me that, Do you know anything from the Qur'an?, therefore I never told you!
I took this opportunity to teach you the Qur'an, just as you teach your child, that if I err to stay with me and repeat together, and when I shoot, to bring me gifts to encourage me to learn more and finally to embrace me!
The man from joy began to cry and said: Praise be to Allaah who provided me with an honest wife!

From Arabic: Irfan JAHIU

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