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The Tulipan mosque is opened in Switzerland by Albanians, cost millions of euros


On the eve of the feast of Eid al-Fitr, exactly on the Night of Honor, opened the doors of a mosque to be available to Albanian believers, writes

Given that the vast majority of Albanians belong to the Muslim religion, emigrants from the state of Switzerland invested in the construction of a multidimensional mosque, called "Tulip".

According to the chairman of this center, Azir Jusufi, Albanians from the district contributed to the construction of this mosque 4 million euros for its construction, but also by working voluntarily, circle 13 thousand e 500 hour.

It is worth noting that the construction of this mosque was done in the town of Reinach, in the canton of Argau.

The uniqueness of this building is not only its design worked in detail and delicacy, but also the functionality it performs in several other areas, as it is: a nursery, library, cultural center, restaurant, office and underground parking.

The president of this center Jusufi added that here will be tried to preserve the identity of Albanians in Switzerland.

"Its activities are involved in preserving national and religious dignity, preservation from assimilation, as well, preparing the new generations in the educational aspect ”, he shows.

It should be noted that "Tulipani" is the only Albanian mosque in the area, while its imam is Halil Ademi. The Albanian Islamic Community will be the owner and supervisor of the center.

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