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Harry Potter in children's lives

question: Recently we have witnessed the spread of a book and cartoon entitled Harry Potter. There has been a huge publicity for this film and it has penetrated almost every home. How to do it?

Answer: We thank Allah, peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, sal-lallahu alejhi ve sel-lem. In answer to this question we can say:

A: modern cartoons have permeated the minds of young and old, unfortunately. They have even managed to become real movies due to the very warm reception from millions of people. Many people have become addicted to the events of these films and the personalities featured in these films. The vast majority of these films have inwardly anti-Islamic beliefs, question the premises and beliefs of Islam, spread perverted behaviors, have within them stories of love and lust.

The great misfortune is the presence of these cartoons in Muslim homes and the spending of a great deal of Muslim children 'time watching them..

two: One of the stories that has caused great trouble in the world is the Harry Potter novel by J. K. Rowling (read Joan Kethlin Rouling), which as its content has the character Harry Potter born of two magical parents, who has been killed by an evil sorcerer, but he also failed to kill their son Harry Potter, and when this boy turned eleven he realized that he himself was a magician. Then continues the series of events related to magic, superstitions and imagination. It has sold millions of copies and has been translated into over sixty languages. The defects that this novel displays and are contrary to the rules of the Islamic religion are these:

– The story provides an example of a young Harry Potter, viz. a magician, while the Islamic religion is another example, which is in complete contradiction with this example.

– Those in the absence of useful personalities and to fill the inner void that they have invented heroes like Superman, Batman, Hercules, to entertain children and offer personalities that change the world and break down hills very quickly and easily. This shows their inability to provide real and real examples who attract their children.

– The magician is offered as a savior from all insurmountable difficulties and unsolvable problems, while the magician for a moment with a magic word solves the problem, which obviously creates in the child a major defect in the field of trust, for only Allah is the One in Whose Hand is the solution of all problems and the overcoming of all difficulties.

Allahu, subhanahu and taala, say:

( وَإِنْ يَمْسَسْكَ اللَّهُ بِضُرٍّ فَلا كَاشِفَ لَهُ َّلُا هَإِنَ يَمْسَسْكَ بِخَيْرٍ فَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شْيْْرٌ . وَهُوَ الْقَاهِرُ فَوْقَ عِبَادِهِ وَهُوَ الْحَكِيمُ الْخَبِيرُ ) cattle/ 17 ، 18 ,

“If Allah strikes you with any evil, there is none to take him away except Him, and if he gives you any good, it should be known that He is omnipotent over everything. He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. He knows in detail the affairs of Him and of His slaves”. (El-Enam: 17-18).

All religions and all prophets have shown the negative position that magicians have in the societies in which they live, this is evidenced even today in many societies, but these stories create another insight for magicians, so much so that everyone wants to become a magician!!

– The West develops its life by having man as its epicenter, its benefit and benefits, while the religion of Islam teaches us that the epicenter of human thought should be to attain the pleasure of Allah, the observance of Allah is the epicenter of human life. This is what Allah teaches us, Glorious, when he says:

( قُلْ َّنَّ صَلاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ ) cattle/ 162 ,

“tell: “Namazi im, kurbani im, My life and my death are only for Allah, Lord of the worlds”. (El-Enam: 162).

The story of Harry Potter offers us a personality who does all those miracles based on magic and to bring benefits to people, and it can never be legitimate or even legal to remove evil from evil.

– The story essentially saddens and causes horror in the minds of children as it presents the devilish imagination, their circulation in the sewers, toilet, dirty places, ETC., always according to the novel, whereas pure human nature rejects such a life and removes children from these sad and terrifying images for children. This can also be understood as a preparation to reach out with people to worship the devil.

– This novel presents the magician as a man who can resurrect and kill someone. This is a clear defect in the psychological and ideological formulation of our children, whom the Noble Qur'an teaches that:

( ال .ذي خَلَقَنِي فَهُوَ يَهْدِين . و .ذِي هُوَ يُطْعِمُني وَيَسْقِين . و .ذَا مَرِضت فَهُوَ يَشْفِين . و .ذي يُمِيتُني ثُمَّ يُحْيين . والَّذي أَطْمَعُ ْنْ يَغْفِرَ لِي خَطِيئَتِي يَوْمَ الدِّين ) poets/ 78 – 82 .

“God who created me, He guides me. And He who feeds me and gives me drink. And when I get sick He heals me, He makes me die and then raises me, Whom I hope will forgive me my sins on the Day of Judgment”. (Esh-Shuara: 78- 82).

– The West does not educate the child to fill the heart with love for Allah and a desire to worship Him, but takes care to entertain him and surprise him with strange things, therefore we see that they grow up as materialists and as pragmatists and careless of spiritual things, away from the matters of the heart and the truths of the universe.

Three: Islamic law forbids the books of divination and magic, whereas this decision makes no distinction between reading and viewing, since the film is a practical realization of what is written in the book. All Muslim scholars have forbidden Muslims from reading books that talk about how magic is done and the teaching of magic, because magic leads man to disbelief.

As a summary of all this we can say that a Muslim is not allowed to buy the Harry Potter novel or watch the cartoon of the same name., because of the great impact it can have on the belief and behavior of one who watches this cartoon or reads that novel.

supplement: in this answer we have brought as an example the cartoon named Harry Potter, but there are many other cartoons that have the same effects, perhaps even more dangerous to the child's mind and faith. For this reason every parent should be very careful about this topic and should possess a broad culture in this regard and know what it is about in the cartoons that are offered to our child through TV channels., satellite and cable ones, even through dvds.


Ways to fight the danger posed to us by various cartoons


question: recently many cartoons have spread, their content is different, some of them even have defects in the field of trust, and others have defects in the field of morality, they even have a negative psychological impact on children. What ways should be used to protect our children from these cartoons, given the dependence of children on these films, and what are the possible alternatives. Please answer me?

Answer: We thank Allah, peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, sal-lallahu alejhi ve sel-lem. In answer to this question we can say:

A: There is no doubt that cartoons have a profound effect on children, this influence increases with the development of technology and cinematography and in the absence of the rejecter in children, such as maturity, developed logic and strong belief. Cinematography has reached a very high level and causes great and powerful excitement not only in children but also in adults. If we ask those who watched these cartoons in childhood they will tell all those stories with their details.

A study done by a Muslim scholar in 2006 on the impact of cartoons on children among other things tells these truths:

Cartoons produced by non-Muslims negatively affect the faith of Muslim children, because they possess deviant ideas which fluctuate children’s trust, therefore we must join forces to improve television and satellite channels to save our children.

According to the study, three-year-old men and five-year-old girls are highly dependent on television, and this age is the most endangered age by the media and negatively affects the development of the child., building his thoughts and belief.

This study finds that a high percentage of mothers are unaware of the role of cartoons in sowing sound or false beliefs, that 75 % they did not believe that cartoons affect the formulation of trust in the child. This shows the great need we have to reconstruct what our child sees on television screens, as the role of cartoons is very large in building the child’s imagination, which produces his convictions, which can be very dangerous to the child's psychology.

two: Those in charge of media management should fear Allah and contribute with this means of mass communication to instill sound faith and moral value in our children., rather than becoming contributors to the destruction of societies, the spread of immorality, vIOLENCE, abuse, ETC.. They were not content with all sorts of series and things that spoil adults but also contributed to spoiling children..

Three: Muslims, those who own the media, those who own studios, mullahs, intellectuals, writer, all of these should contribute to providing alternatives for Muslim children, not to need these dangerous cartoons. The alternative is varied, of them may be:

– Production of cartoons with Islamic meaning or translation and dubbing of various cartoons that have good messages and messages and in accordance with Islamic teachings.

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen was asked about this: “Recently, several cartoons have been released calling them Islamic, as it is “Liberation of Constantinople”, “The journey of peace”, “The believing boy”, which is mentioned in the chapter Al-Buruj, or in the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim in his Sahih. These cartoons count as alternatives to negatively impact cartoons. Dear imam, what is the decision for these cartoons?

He replied: I think these cartoons have no harm, because realistically, as you presented it in your question, they protect children from forbidden things, hence the least we can say, if we take harsh thinking, that this is easier than other cartoons, those, that as if we had heard, instill doubts about faith, personify God, God save us, and other similar things…however I think there is nothing wrong with them…”. (Look: “Licaul-Babylon-Maftuhi”, 127, question no. 10).

– Selection of some cultural and educational programs, which amass pleasant entertainment and education. There are many such programs. Programs that talk about the world of the oceans, for the animal world, ETC..

– Engaging children with beneficial health programs, as is sport, swimming and other games allowed. Commitments that round off both fun and profit.

– Follow some helpful websites where there are sections caring for children, where useful flashes appear, fun games, cartoons based on the narrations of the prophets, Islamic battles, ETC..

You have to be careful and we should not treat children the way we treat adults. We need to enable children to satisfy their curiosity, to play, to have fun, but do not leave them completely out of control, and fall into religious controversy. We need to control our children so that they do not turn us into corrupt people and corrupt others, therefore we all need to mobilize and cooperate with each other to provide children with the best and most attractive materials.

In connection with the production of Islamic materials for children the study in question, also gave some clarifications in this regard, there we also find these suggestions: Manufacturers of children's software should avoid images that cause fear and sadness in the child, because he is at an age where he is psychologically prepared to fall under the influence of these things, as the child from the age of two to the age of five is afraid of loneliness, by fire, from animals, from imaginative things, such as lugati, DEVIL, dragons etc.. The appearance of these sequences by children causes a loss of psychological balance in them.

These programs, according to the study, should also take care of planting values ​​and not give large doses of crying, because in this form we help build the weak personality, who can not bear the hardships. These values ​​should be planted in fun frames and optimistic and happy ideas.

Children's media is a science and an art and not a hobby, therefore we must take care of this scientific whole, craft and artistic and we should not overdo it in the use of imagination because it is a very dangerous matter for the child's mind.


four: Here are some things parents can do to help protect their children from these attacks:

1- Teach your child the Qur'an and use childhood to memorize the Qur'an as much as possible.

2- Educate him to love the Prophet, sal-lallahu alejhi ve sel-lem, his noble companions, reading their biography in forms appropriate for their age.

3- I learned some things from the pure faith of Islam in a simple and easy way, as far as the child's mind can comprehend, as is the fact that Allah is One, that we must love Him, from Him we must hope, We must be afraid of him, He is the Creator, Supplier, ETC..

4- You educate them to deny evil, to hate him, as is the lie, theft, spying, etc. and love the good and spread it.

For, these would be some actions that every parent who wants to protect their child from falling under the influence and dependence of cartoons or other programs for children who will have a negative impact on their education should have in mind..

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize the concern that every parent should have for the best possible education of their child., the fire which he must have in his heart and which will not leave him at all comfortable, until he succeeds in educating his children.

PREPARED: Bekir Halimi

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