Associations help the poor

History of Muhammad a.s

How it all started ?

Pfields close to four thousand years, in the city of Sumer Ur, in the Euphrates River valley,lived a boy named Ibrahim. At first the inhabitants of Ur worshiped the Lord but in time, they forgot their true religion and began to worship various idols, sculptures made of wood or clay and sometimes even precious stones. Even though Ibrahim was small, he could not understand why his people, and especially the father, the things they created with their own hands they called gods, and then they worshiped them. He always refused that, along with others, to respect these sculptures. Instead he left the city and thought alone about the sky and the world around him. He was sure that his people were wrong and so alone he sought the right path. A clear night looking at the sky, he saw a very beautiful shining star, so beautiful that she cried: This must be Allah!"For a while he looked at the star with admiration, until it suddenly began to fade and disappear. He again turned to despair saying:

"I do not love those who lose"
(The En’am: 76)

Another night, Abraham looked at the sky again and saw the moon so big and so bright rising in the sky and immediately thought he could touch it. He said to himself:

"This is my Lord"
(The En’am : 77)

After a while the moon set. Then he said:

"If my Lord does not guide me, I will be one of the lost people. "
(The En’am: 77)

Then Abraham saw the beauty and wonder of the rising sun, and thought that the sun should be the largest and most powerful in the universe., even this time he erred, for by the end of the day the sun also set. Then it became clear to him that Allah is the Most Powerful Creator of all the stars., of the moon of the sun, of the earth and of all living creatures. Suddenly for a moment he felt completely calm, for he knew that he had found the Truth.

"When he told his father and his people: “What you are worshiping?"They told him: "We adore it Idols, we are constantly loyal to them!”Yes:"Do they hear you when you pray??Or, ”A ju bring you benefit or harm?"They said: "Already, for so we found out that our parents did too!" To the tha: "Do you see what you are worshiping?? You and your previous parents. Indeed, they (THAT worship you) are my enemies, except the Lord of worlds (if besides idols you also worship Him).God who created me, He guides me. And he me feeds and gives me drink, and when I get sick He heals me, He makes me die and then raises me, The one to whom I hope will be forgiven on the Day of Judgment. "
(Esh-Shuara: 70-82)

One day, when all the fellow-citizens were outside the city angry Ibrahim, with his right hand he broke all the idols except one, which was very large. When people returned, they became very angry.They remembered the words that Ibrahim had said to them about the idols. They brought it before everyone and:

"They told him: "Did you do this to our gods?", he Ibrahim?" To the tha: "Already, but that, did their great, you ask them if can be spoken?”
(El-Enbija: 62-63)

The crowd responded:
"But you knew they did not speak?”
(El-Enbija: 65)

"Ai (Ibrahim) tha: "Do you worship what you have? carved? And Allah created you and what you do. ”
(Es-Safat: 95-96)

Ibrahim continued:
"Are you worshiping instead of Allah something that does not bring you?" no benefit nor harm?”
(El-Enbija: 66)

In the end, Abraham warned them:

"Worship Allah and fear Him, that this, if e understand, is much better for you. You instead of Allah you are only worshiping idols that you fabricate yourself as liars.Surely those whom you worship besides Allah, not possess your supply, so request the supply to Allahu, worship Him and express gratitude to Him, BECAUSE to Him you will be returned. ”
(El-Ankebut: 16-17)

The people of Ur decided to punish Ibrahim as severely as they could: burn him to death. On the appointed day, all the people as well as the king of the city Ur gathered in the center of the city.Then they placed Ibrahim inside a building filled with wood. After that the trees were set on fire. Soon so much fire spread, so that people began to repel the flame. But Allah said:

“O fire, be cool and salvation for Ibrahim!”
(El-Enbija: 69)

People waited until it was finally extinguished, then they saw Ibrahim, that stood as if nothing had happened! At that moment they were completely confused. Whatever, they could not move from the miracle that happened before their eyes. Ibrahim was still trying to convince his beloved father, who was called Azer, not to worship blind idols, dumb and powerless. Ibrahim explained the special knowledge that had come to him and prayed to his father:

“I am that baby, I have been given from knowledge what you do not it's given, therefore hear me that I guide you in the way of STRAIGHT. O my father, do not worship the devil. "
(Maryam: 44)

But Azeri did not listen. He threatened to stone his son if he continued to reject the Ur gods.. He ordered Ibrahim to leave the city saying:

"… So stay away from me for a long time."
(Maryam: 46)

“Ibrahim said: "Be free from me! I will pray to my Lord to forgive you, why ai (father) he was careful about me. "
(Mejrem: 47)

Imagine how hard it was for him to leave his home, his family and everything he had, and to flee to the unknown. But on the other hand, how could he remain among the people who did not believe in Allah but worshiped idols? Ibrahim always had that feeling that Allah cared for him, and throughout the journey he felt Allah near him.Finally, after a long way, arrived at a place near the Mediterranean Sea, not far from Egypt. There he married a generous woman, who was called Sarah and settled in the land of Palestine.Although several years of marriage, Ibrahim and his wife, they had no children. Hoping to have children and in accordance with tradition, Sarah suggested to Ibrahim to marry Hajar, her Egyptian tailor. Once this was realized, Hajar gave birth to a son named Ismail.

After a while, Allah promised Ibrahim another son, but this time the mother of the child was Sarah's first wife. The second son was named Ishaq, Allah told Ibrahim that from his two sons - Ishmael and Isaac - two peoples and three religions would be created, and for this reason he would have to take Hajar and Ishmael and take them away from Palestine to a new land. These events were an important part of Allah's plan., for the descendants of Ishmael would create a people, from which will come the great messenger who will guide the people to the way of Allah. This was Muhammad (s.a.v.), the Messenger of Allah. From the descendants of Isaac, Sarah's child, Moses and Jesus will come.Thus Ibrahim, Hajar and Ismail left Palestine. They traveled many days, until they finally reached the dry valley of Bekaa (later called Mecca), which was located on one of the large caravan routes. There was no water in the valley, and although Hajar and Ismail had only a little water, Ibrahim left them there for Allah to take care of them.

Soon, all the water was wasted. From the thirst he had, the child was growing slowly and was weak. There were two hills nearby; one was called Safa and the other Merua. Hajar rode into one of them hoping he would probably find water, but found nothing. Then he went to the next hill and did the same. She did this seven times. Grieving she returned to her son, and surprisingly noticed that in the ground around him gushing spring water. This source, around which the mother and son settled, later it was called Zamzem. The place around it became a resort for caravans traveling through the desert, and in time grew into a well-known trading city called Mecca. Immediately, Ibrahim came from Palestine to visit his family and see how Ismaili grew up and became a strong young man. During one of these visits, Allaah commanded him to rebuild the Ka'bah - the first place where people worshiped Allaah.. They were told exactly how and where to build it. It would have to be erected near the source of the Zamzam and built in a cube shape. A black stone would be placed on its eastern edge, that had fallen from the sky. An angel brought the stone to them from the nearby hill of Abu Qubays (angel).Ibrahim and Ismaili worked hard to rebuild the Kaaba and all the time i
they prayed to Allah that a messenger would come out of their descendants.

"Even when Ibrahim and Ismail, laying the foundations of HOUSE (Kaaba) pray: "Our Lord, accept from us, I know indeed You are the Hearer, the Knower! Our Lord, we did it both sincere believers towards You and from the descendants our obedient people to You, teach us the rules of worship (adoration) ours and forgive us, indeed You are the Forgiving, is Merciful! Our Lord, send among them, from their bosom of sent to recite to them Your verses, to teach them the book and wisdom, and clean them (from the filth of idolatry) they. There is no doubt that You are the Almighty, and Ditur. ”
(El-Bekare: 127-129)

When the Kaaba was completed, Allah commanded Ibrahim to invite mankind to Hajj to His Holy House. Abraham wondered how everyone would hear his call. Allahu i tha: "You called, and I will bring them. " Thus began the Hajj to the Kaaba of Mecca, so today's Muslim pilgrimage is a continuation of Ibrahim's ancient invitation.

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