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Allah Almighty telling the story of Majrama in the Qur'an says :"The pain made him lean against a date tree . Ajo tha; Oh, how good it would be for me to have died before this and to have been forgotten. And Gabriel called him from below: Do not be upset, your God made a stream near you. Shake the date and fresh dates will fall on you . Pra ti ha, drink and relax." [Mejrem:23-26].

The medical wisdom in this verse is related to the choice of Arabian date fruits among other fruits on the one hand and to the relief they give to pain during childbirth.. The date fruit contains substances that make the muscles of the uterus contract and help their work during the last months of pregnancy, relieving pain and reducing bleeding.. The Arabica date contains a high percentage of sugar, mainly glucose, which is the main source of muscle nutrition, especially the muscles of the uterus, which plays the main role during the birth process, spending a lot of energy.

Today, gynecologists give pregnant women fluids with a percentage of glucose, the use of these liquids is also mentioned in the Qur'an: “Ti pra ha, drink and chill" , which surely constitutes a miracle of the Qur'an. each 100 gr Arabian date contains 20% water, 2,2% protein , 0,06% GREASE , 7,5% sugars ,180 international vitamin A unit , vitamine B , 2,2 milligram of nicotamine, 1mg sodium, 790 mg potassium, 65mg magnesium 5 mg of iron, 72mg fosfor, 65mg of sulfur and 83mg of chlorine. In addition, date palm is a good colon cleanser and a tension stabilizer during childbirth. .

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