Associations help the poor

Rich and two rak'ahs of prayer

A rich man recounts a special event in his life.

– One night I was stressed, so I decided to go out of the house, on a walk. Walking in a neighborhood, I saw an open mosque and decided to enter and offer two prayers? When I entered I saw a man facing the qibla, who had raised his hands and was praying. From the way he prayed, I realized there was a problem. I waited until he finished his prayer, and then I told him:
– I saw you praying, so I think you have a problem?
– Po, I have a debt that has tired me and keeps me stressed - he told me.
– How much is that debt?? – I told.
– Four thousand dirhams - he told me.
I took out four thousand dirhams and gave it to him. He was very happy and thanked me. I also gave him my business card and told him to visit or call me whenever he needed. I thought he would be happy, but I was surprised by the answer he gave me.
– I thank you, but I don't need your business card. Whenever I have any need, I will pray to Allah, I will raise my hands and ask Him. He makes things easier for me, as he did this time!

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