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Jansa: It is good for Bulgaria to admit that they have a language similar to Macedonian

Slovenia surely understands Bulgaria's position on veto of start of negotiations with Northern Macedonia, as it is a member country. This was stated by Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansha for "BNR".

"When we are in a family, his interest comes first, and then the others ", yes ai

Prime Minister Jansha added that at the same time the EU should behave like a family, or else she is endangered.

"We must try to find a compromise", yes ai.

The Prime Minister praised the recent proposal of the Portuguese presidency to continue the negotiations.

"It is good that Bulgaria accepts a nation that speaks a similar language and has a similar culture. It can be a point of contention, but we need to have a strategic view of things. ", tha Jansha.

On his side, Slovenian Foreign Minister Ange Logar says one of his first visits would be to Bulgaria over the country's veto on starting negotiations with northern Macedonia.

On Thursday, Slovenia took over the rotating EU presidency from Portugal.

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