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These things do not break your fast

From today, Muslims around the world have started the holy month of Ramadan.

Along 30 days believers will fast, which means they can only eat two meals a day, one before sunrise (sunset) and the other after sunset (iftar).

Below are some things that do not break the fast.

Eating, drinking and forgetful sex.

Vomiting without provocation: This is based on the hadith mentioned above.

Dust introduction, particles of sand or of any unintentional insect in the stomach, also in this logic is included the keeping of any thing in the mouth, if laps, tire or anything else, but provided it has no taste, color or odor reaching the throat.

Use of non-nourishing needles for the body, which are placed in the vein or in the flesh: This does not break the fast because it is not considered nourishing for the body. In this part as an example we can mention the treatment with medicines on various wounds, even if the drug manages to penetrate inside the body. It should not be forgotten that blood transfusions and serum break the fast, as they are nutritious for the human body.

Conveying saliva or food located between the teeth, if it is too little.

Introducing water into the mouth, provided it does not go down the throat. Washing the body for refreshment is also allowed.

The woman's kiss, touching, EMBRACING. This applies to those cases where man controls himself.

He who eats, drink or do something other than those things that break the fast with the thought that the day of fasting has not yet begun. This person has not broken the fast, as the origin is the continuation of the night and its suspicion is not taken into account.

Examining the taste of food with the tip of the tongue does not spoil it.

Brushing your teeth, provided the toothpaste does not cross the throat.

Teething or curing them, if the substances used by the doctor do not reach the throat.

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