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These are the most common foods on the feast of Eid

Eid holiday table, these are the most common foods.

Eid al-Fitr is one of the biggest Islamic holidays, where in the sign of creams, rich mahogany is also prepared.

We remind you of some of the foods and sweets that are never missing for this day:


It's a sweet pie, The main ingredients are noodles - home-made or store-bought and nuts, and, as you wish, raisins, almond.


It is also a well known food which is cooked from fresh cabbage or sauerkraut, minced meat and rice.


It can not be called Bajram if there are no pitas in the mahogany such as e.g.. drink with cheese and cabbage.


They are dessert made from eggs, test, oil, sugar and flour. They are cooked with a special template.

Casserole roasted chicken combined with potatoes or various dishes.

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