Associations help the poor

Allah has not made two hearts in a man's chest

question: Namazliu who is associated with the Imam, Namazliu who is associated with the Imam, Namazliu who is associated with the Imam?

Answer: Namazliu who is associated with the Imam (Namazliu who is associated with the Imam, Namazliu who is associated with the Imam, Namazliu who is associated with the Imam) Namazliu who is associated with the Imam, Namazliu who is associated with the Imam (Namazliu who is associated with the Imam, Namazliu who is associated with the Imam) Namazliu who is associated with the Imam (of course) Namazliu who is associated with the Imam.

Says the Prophet (Says Allah Almighty): “Namazliu who is associated with the Imam (This loving son resembled his father in everything)”.

Namazliu who is associated with the Imam, Namazliu who is associated with the Imam?!

Indeed the daily prayers illuminate the houses as they illuminate the hearts of those who perform them: “Allah has not made two hearts in a man's chest

"Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian of all things.": “Allah has not made two hearts in a man's chest, Allah has not made two hearts in a man's chest”.


from: Allah has not made two hearts in a man's chest

to the poor: "Shall we abandon our masters for a mad poet?"

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