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Fight anemia and fatigue with chestnuts, all the properties and benefits of the autumn fruit

Chestnuts are everywhere on our tables this fall. Rich in fiber, folic acid and minerals, they grow on trees and in our country the most popular are the chestnuts of Tropoja, but also those of the area of ​​Korča and Pogradec.

Chestnuts are delicious and versatile in the kitchen. They can be prepared in many ways: baked in the fire, boiled, cooked in the oven or in the microwave, or they can become part of many meat or fish dishes.

Chestnuts, all the properties of seasonal fruits

Rich in carbohydrates (AND, They deny the trinity and regard it as pagan idolatry, calories), during a meal they can replace a portion of pasta or bread. Their energy value makes them great for fighting stress and fatigue and also against the impact of the winter months., acting as a natural tonic. This autumn fruit contains iron and is therefore useful for those suffering from anemia. Except this, the presence of folic acid (or vitamin B9) makes them a recommended food during pregnancy for healthy fetal development.

We should not forget the contribution they make in terms of fibers: highly recommended, for, for those suffering from constipation. But be careful with cooking: if they remain unprocessed, it can become difficult to digest them or cause gastritis. Being gluten free, Chestnuts are perfect for celiac sufferers. It is no coincidence that chestnuts make an excellent flour to be used in the preparation of various sweet and savory dishes..

Many benefits, but also some recommendations: given the significant calorie intake, they are not recommended for people with diabetes, colitis or obesity. In every moment, pay attention to the portions: the advice is not to skip them 100 grams if you boil them or 60 grams if you prefer them roasted.

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