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The Prayers of the Prophets

The Prayer of Adam, alejhi selam: “Our Lord! We have introduced ourselves into sin, THEREFORE, if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will indeed be among the losers ". Earaf 23.

- Noah's prayer, alejhi selam: "Oh my God, forgive me and my parents, as well as every believer, seeking shelter in my home! Forgive all believers, while to the wrongdoers add only destruction!”. Noah 28.

- Hud's prayer, alejhi selam: "I rely on Allah, My Lord and your Lord. There is not a living creature that is not under His dominion. Really, my God, is on the right track ". Skin 56.

- The Prayer of Abraham, alejhi selam: "Oh my God, make me and my descendants always perform the prayer! O our Lord, accept our prayers!”. Ibrahim 40, and “O our Lord! Accept it from us (this work)! Really, You are the One who hears and knows everything!”. Baqarah 127.

- Yusuf's prayer, alejhi selam: “O Creator of the heavens and the earth!, You are my Protector in this world too, even in the other world! Make me die as a Muslim and associate me with the virtuous (in the other world)!”. Yusuf 101.

- Shuaib's prayer, alejhi selam: "He encompasses everything with His knowledge and in Him we rely. O our Lord, judge righteously between us and our people! You are the best Judge "! Earaf 89.

- The prayer of Musa, alejhi selam: "Oh my God! Thanks for the good you have given me, I will not be a helper of the wicked!”. Who am I 16, and “O my Lord, I expanded my chest, facilitate my work, and untie the knot of my tongue, that they may understand my word!”. Taha 25-28.

- Suleiman's prayer, alejhi selam: "Oh my God, inspire me to be grateful for the goodness You have given me and my parents, and to do good works, with which You will be pleased. Accept me, by Your mercy, in the midst of Thy pious slaves!”. moist 19.

- Job's prayer, alejhi selam: "I am afflicted with calamity, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful!”. Anbiya 83.

- The Prayer of Yunus, alejhi selam: "There is no other god, except You! Be praised! Really, I was wrong!”. Anbiya 87.

- The Prayer of Jacob, alejhi selam: "I present my pain and sorrow only to Allah and from Allah I know what you do not know". Yusuf 86.

- The prayer of Muhammad, may the glory and peace of Allah be upon him. "Our Lord, gives us good in this world, give us good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Fire (of Hell)”. Baqarah 201.

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