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New cars with internal combustion, The European Parliament takes the extreme decision

European lawmakers on Thursday reached a deal to phase out the sale of new cars and vans with combustion engines by 2035.

The agreement between representatives of the European Parliament and the European Council represents the first made under the bloc's flagship package 'Fit for 55' to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% until the year 2030.

The new legislation plans a target for reducing CO2 emissions from 55% for new cars and 50% for new vans up to the year 2030 compared to the year's levels 2021 and for a reduction of 100% of CO2 emissions by the year 2035, effectively banning the sale of new combustion engine cars.

Transport constitutes 30% of total EU greenhouse gas emissions and approx 2/3 of used oil in the EU, according to the European Environment Agency.

"With these objectives, we create clarity for the car industry and stimulate innovation and investment for car manufacturers. Except this, buying and driving zero-emission cars will become cheaper for consumers,"said Dutch MEP Jan Huitema, rapporteur of the European Parliament.

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