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The veil is the act of obedience and chastity of the woman

"It does not belong to any true believer, when Allah and His Messenger decide a matter, they have the right to choose in that matter of their own. Whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, he must have lost ". (The- Ahzab, 36).

Conversations about the definition of wearing a headscarf is one of the most talked about conversations about her attitude, not infrequently hostile, even as a trend in the public and with its practice to be associated numerous reactions to its opposition or even its dangerousness.
Today in every part of the world where there are Muslims, there are organizations, various meetings, grandstand, sessions, in which people with primitive mentality talk and debate about the veil, for the fading of this divine obligation, with the claim of violating a woman’s dignity and underestimating her position in society.
Lessons related to the cover order, for which she is often criticized by her opponents, aim to preserve female honor and morality, those teachings have set boundaries and severed the relationship between man and woman that could lead to immorality and lust., in order to be subject to a system based on moral principles.
STILL, Allahu honored the woman by giving her her rights and at the same time these rights are also the veil, which Muslim women are obliged to wear.
Through this provision of hijab, with which God obliged the woman, made it a factor for its preservation and chastity and at the same time for the preservation and stability of society from any negative phenomena and immorality, also this provision gives clear messages to others that this dress of the Muslim woman shows that that girl stays away from any prejudice of intolerance and discrimination, which is a negative phenomenon prevalent in us and around the world alongside the Muslim woman.

Cover act of obedience

The command to cover a woman is one of the integral teachings of the Islamic religion, which are not allowed to be changed or given any other direction, for this Allaah says in a Qur'anic verse:
"It does not belong to any true believer, when Allah and His Messenger decide a matter, they have the right to choose in that matter of their own. Whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, he must have lost ". (The- Ahzab, 36).
Therefore, this covering command is an act of obedience to Allaah. and as such is assured by Allah and that every direction given except divine obligation, which aims to protect the honor and chastity of the female from every low instinct, it is unfounded and far from the truth.
Islam is in favor of women's freedom, then any veiled female appearing everywhere in the mass, shows no act of oppression because of her dress or submission to anyone else, but it is a clear segment of dignity, conviction, worship of God and his will, it is simply an element of Islamic ethics and among the vital provisions of proper education.
Regarding the purposes of the cover, Allahu in a verse says:
"This is closer to recognizing them and not offending them." (The- Ahzab, 59).
then, as a first principle, the veil makes the woman to be judged based on her personality, wisdom, her intelligence and ability not to be offended or judged differently from others based on her dress code.
Today it is useless to deny the fact that every day we encounter and hear about discrimination in employment, domestic violence, exemption from inheritance rights, which are just some of the problems that women face in general, but veiled women and girls in particular face additional difficulties, in that of social and institutional stigma. Although a very large number of Muslim women have completed their studies in all fields, unfortunately very few are given the opportunity for employment.
STILL, despite what is spoken and debated, we say that the headscarf is part of our identity (religious and national) and as such it has value and weight for every Muslim.
Muslim women today want to live within the bounds of morality, with his principles, to maintain integrity and security from negative phenomena in society such as drugs, PROSTITUTION, violence, suicide, ETC..
If people want to see sincerity, responsibility, LOYALTY, fruitfulness and benefit to society, then who better to give meaning to these expressions than a devout Muslim.
A professionally trained Muslim woman can change everything if people pay attention to her words and actions rather than her dress!

Islamic Wisdom 343

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