Associations help the poor

I'm sorry, I confused you with my people

Arabs, when they had parties for occasions of family joys, they handed out pieces of meat wrapped in bread to the guests.

If the host noticed that the number of guests was greater than the pieces of meat or was afraid that the meat would not arrive, wrapped a loaf of bread with bread (pa mish) and these he gave to his closest and dearest, for whom he knew they would keep his secret, in order to save meat for the most distant and foreigners.

One day an Arab had a feast and shared pieces of meatless bread with some close relatives and friends, for whom he had a good opinion.

They began to eat what was given to them, as if they were eating meat. however, one called the host saying: “O Filan! You gave me bread without meat.”

Ai i tha: “I'm sorry! Your revenge is on me. I confused you with my people.”
How often have we been deceived by some people, that we thought they were ours and would keep our secret and honor and we thought they would protect our backs…

Be careful who you distribute bread without meat!!!

Borrowed …

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