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Honey, Islamic Medicine

-Allah the Exalted says: “Your lord gave instinct to the bee: Build houses in the mountains (hills), through the trees (trees) and through the roofs that they (people) build. Then he eats all kinds of fruits and then follows the subjugated paths (learned) of your Lord. From their bellies (of bees) a liquid comes out (he drinks) with different colors. In it there is healing for all mankind. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reflect deeply.” (Nahl, 68-69)

-The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (a.s.) said: “It is your duty and in your best interest to heal with two things: Honey and the Quran”.

-Aisha - the wife of the Prophet conveys: “The thing that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved the most was honey”.

-Once a man came to the Prophet (a.s.) and said: My brother complains that he has a miscarriage. The messenger returned it: "Let him drink honey". The man came a second time to the Prophet and told him: I gave it to him, but to no avail. The Messenger of Allah said: "Give him honey to drink" and he repeated it two or three times and then for the third or fourth time he said: "Allah has told the truth, while your brother's belly has lied ".
From this hadith we understand that the medicine must be in a certain amount and in an appropriate measure according to the degree of the disease., for if we give the sick more medicine than we should, his condition will worsen, and if it diminishes it will gradually go towards healing. Maybe when he gave his brother the honey, the measure has been insufficient to combat the disease and its impact.
Based on this the Prophet (a.s.) ordered the person in question to repeat it several times until the prescribed measure for recovery is reached. From this saying of the Messenger of God (a.s.) the methodology of the amount of the healing medicine and the determination of the way of taking and the time of use are highlighted. For more, his saying “Allah has told the truth, while your brother's belly has lied”, reinforces the usefulness and value that this curative method has with bee honey, which is inspiration from God Almighty.

Man has known the nutritional value of bee honey since ancient times. The pharaohs for example knew its nutritional and healing benefit more than others and the argument for this is the fact that they gave it to their relatives. Archaeologists have unearthed many earthenware jars filled with bee honey at the king's tomb in Tibet. (Egypt), belonging to a period ready 3300 year. On these vessels have noticed the following inscription: "Honey of a good kind".
We also learn from history that bee honey was given great importance in the time of two VI and XII families who lived around 2400 until 3000 years p.e.s. where it is used alone and mixed with other things for healing. Archaeologists too, have discovered a large amount of honey in a container near the tomb of Pharaoh King Ankh Amun of dark color and viscosity.

The use of honey by the pharaohs

The pharaohs used bee honey as a drink and as an ointment to cure many diseases. They have used it as a drink to cure stomach aches, difficulty urinating, while as an ointment for healing dry skin of the face or for the porosity and radiance of the skin, wound healing, against burns and cure the eyes. Sayings of ancient Greek and Arab physicians about honey:

Democracy: "It is obligatory for people to eat honey and lubricate their bodies with oil.".
Hipokrati: "I eat honey constantly and use it to cure many diseases…. because honey gives you health ".
Diaskoras: "Honey can be used successfully in curing intestinal diseases, abscesses and hemorrhoids. "Honey also avoids sputum and lightning.".
Galinos: "Honey is a useful cure for many diseases, both for the cure of poisonings and the disease of the digestive organs ”.
Ibn Sina (Avicena): "Honey is good for prolonging life, maintaining the potential for work for the elderly and if you want to preserve your youth use honey. As for those who have passed the age 45 year, it is best to use honey regularly and in particular mixed with finely chopped nuts. Honey mixed with flour is used for injuries (wounds) Surface. For lung diseases and the first stages of influenza and lightning, a mixture consisting of honey and rose petals is used.. It is very effective if we use it sober in the morning and at lunch before lunch. "Honey is also used in cases of insomnia in small quantities.".
Ibn Bejtar: "Hot bee honey, dry, avoids dark eyes and strengthens the stomach ".

Scientific analysis and medical benefits It is scientifically accepted that bee honey is superior to all types of food., as for ease of digestion, as well as for the speed of its absorption by the human body, and 1 kg. honey is equal to the nutritional value found in 4 kg. meat or 12 kg. greens, adding to these also a set of mineral elements and a high amount of vitamin C., other vitamins, hormones as well as a large number of enzymes.
Bee honey is considered a natural and energetic ingredient, active and nutritious, for the reason that it contains a large number of mineral salts where the most important are: iron, bakri, soda, magnesia, calcium, phosphorus and large amounts of vitamin C., B.
Chemically honey is composed of about 34.02% glucose, 1.90% secretion (substance found in sugar cane), 35% fruktozë (sugar found in fruits), 18% minerals, 0.8% acid, 17.70% water, 4.90% hitherto unknown elements. It contains many vitamins which in terms of quantity surpass fruits and vegetables, especially vitamin B, C, H, and moreover honey has the properties to keep these vitamins and mineral salts in a healthy state for a long period of time..

Honey and sores - with little and slow pain

Russian surgeon Krinsveski managed to heal the wounds of his patients through the use of honey mixed with whale liver oil in the form of ointment and proved that the wounds healed completely after passing 10-12
days. He announced that through the use of this ointment he managed to heal more than 37 cases of wounds with slight pain and pus and after five days noticed the emergence of nets (cell) News, as well as their rapid regeneration in 90% of cases.

Internal use

For mental illnesses bee honey dissolved in a glass of water is used in cases of insomnia and nervous disorders. The patient should use a spoonful of honey as soon as he wakes up in the morning.
In cases of tuberculosis, cough, general colds, honey mixed with lemon juice is used (1/2 lemons) for every 100gr or honey Mixed with milk in the mass (100 gr. milk + 150 gr. honey).
For colds, rheumatism and tonsillitis use the mixture consisting of 2 large spoons of honey + 2 spoons of lemon juice in a glass of water, while the required amount of use is 3 times a day from a spoon.
Honey lowers the temperature. British professor Rimi Giovanni says that bee honey has an effect on lowering the temperature due to the existence of a group of organic acids and therefore advises the use of honey melted in warm water in a mass of 5%.

Today's Muslim Arab scholars

A group of researchers professor of medicine at Cairo universities, measurement, Al-Azhar of Kuwait with a large number of medical and clinical studies on a group of patients with gastric ulcer, some cases of temporary diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, column, urinary and renal diseases caused by bilharizia (sis) - kind of disease - found that bee honey plays a very important role in their healing. Honey has also been used in some clinics to successfully cure some eye diseases in cases of ocular opacities as well as to cure numerous cases of conjunctivitis. (ophthalmia) si eyelid burns, (blepharitis), conjunctive, cones, ETC..

Honey, digestive tract and liver

In cases of constipation and increased stomach acidity, the sick person uses a spoonful of honey before going to bed at dinner and another in the sober morning.
For stomach and intestinal disorders we use honey mixed with water 1 hours of 30 min. Before meals or 3 hours after eating.
For appendicitis (worm attachment) honey is used as is or mixed with other juices.

Honey and urinary tract

In cases of ureteral diseases (duct from kidney to outlet) and urinary poisoning use honey mixture of 50% and the appropriate quantity: every day from a glass in the morning and at dinner before going to bed.

External use

In the treatment of skin diseases, dermatitis and acne youth bee honey is used in the form of ointment or mask from the outside for a period that lasts 25 minutes, then the face is washed with warm water followed by cold water and this is practiced two or three times a week. For the treatment of oily skin, bee honey mixed with a little lemon juice is used., the way of using it will be like the one we mentioned above. For dry skin, use a cotton ball which is dipped in honey, put on the face for a quarter of an hour and then clean the face with a cloth dampened with warm water.
To maintain the beauty of the natural face, it is enough to smear the face with honey and then wipe it with a cloth moistened with warm water after a quarter of an hour once a week or in 10 day.

Honey for wound healing, infections and burns

Numerous researchers in skin diseases and surgery have proven that bee honey accelerates the healing of wounds and burns and the reason for this is the large amount of (glutathjunës) which plays an important role in the processes of safety and reduction in the body and this is what leads to the rapid healing of acne (glandular
Following this description anyone can perceive and understand the benefits of bee honey, final results of medical studies and laboratory research. He also realizes that the Holy Qur'an has not singled out some of its verses by chance and in vain, but they have come down from the Lord of the worlds to the people in order to teach them what they do not know.

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