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Do not direct the girl towards the fire

Allah Almighty says: "O you who believe!, save yourself and your family from a fire, whose fuel are humans and stones. it (fire) they are guarded by stern angels who do not oppose Allah for anything He commands, and they do what they are commanded.. (Koran, 66:6)

Dear mother, Dear girl, -which you will become a mother one day-, Can you give me a few minutes of your time?! In these few minutes, let me tell you a few words about an issue that deeply worries and torments me. It was a sight I can never forget. The pleasures of the world have made us withdraw from this sight. What is right is done wrong and is considered backwardness. What is wrong is done right and is considered normal. At a time when everything has become confusing and truth is mixed with untruth, -except those whom God has mercy on-, we are incapable of understanding the reality of things and we are living the way unbelievers want us to live, because that's their idea of ​​being "civilized" and "progressive".

My dear sister, Please, open your heart to my words. First of all, can ask a question to which I know the answer, however I am asking you! What would you do if a small spark touched the skin of your little girl?! Spark from a matchstick, candle or lighted stick that emits fragrance. What are you going to do?? How would you react? certainly, you would shout and hurry to help her. Will send him to the nearest hospital. What if it was a place with a big fire and your daughter was there? What will you do? You can say for example, that it is likely that firefighters managed to rescue him and that he may be alive. Really, this is an opportunity and this is what I want. I ask Allaah Almighty to protect him from all evils. Let's leave this world and think of another place. A place which does not belong to the life of this world. Let's go to the next world, when after the Account we have only received our Books. anyhow, you know that the life of this world is temporary and that there is no possibility for us to return to it. Just imagine for a moment the appearance of your daughter in the Fire mainly because of you. May Allah Almighty protect us all from the fire. What will you do then? Will you resist screaming and suffering by blaming you??! For Allah, tell me! Have you ever thought about this terrible condition? Will you continue to imagine hurt or move your head in denial to forget and ignore this possible scene and return to the desires of this world?. My dear sister, Have mercy on your daughter! O you who see your daughters exposing their beauties illegally, have you not heard the warning?

Allah Almighty says: “Unë u kam tërhequr vërejtjen për zjarrin të ndezur fort.” (Koran, 92:14)

Have you been attracted to false appearances with praise? Or the deceptive glimmers of the West have made you lose your senses? rouse, o mother! Protect your daughter from a fire whose fuel is people and stones. You should know that it is only Paradise or Hell. There is no third choice, therefore which one will you choose? What is the choice for which you will prepare yourself and for the one you love? Do not you want to be with your daughter in Paradise? You learned how to live in this temporary life, but you forgot to teach her how to be happy in the next world. O merciful mother! Can you guarantee that your daughter will live to that age enough to distinguish between what is good and what is bad and distinguish truth from falsehood without your help?? Can you guarantee you will live an extra hour to repent and apologize?? Many girls blame their family members for the lack of guidance from how they grew up and were taught to dress shamelessly what seems normal to them. Where is your mind my dear daughter when you grow up, even if your family was negligent? What is lawful is clear, and what is sinful is also clear.

After this day you have no excuses. Allah Almighty says:"Yes, man is a witness of himself. Even if he presents his reasons" (Koran,70:14-15)

My dear daughter! I wrote these words to you in order to convey these words of the Prophet, salallahu alejhi ue selem: None of you is a true believer until he wants for his Muslim brother what he loves for himself.!”. By Allaah Almighty, I want the best for every Muslim, be male, or female. STILL, what I saw made me angry. An embarrassing sight. I saw a veiled mother with her daughter who was in her youth, about fifteen, whose clothes did not reflect to be Muslim. She was wearing a very tight shirt and skinny jeans with her hair uncovered. By Allaah Almighty, if the body would be able to speak, would shout: "These clothes are killing me!”. And how can this way of dressing be called first place dress? Inadvertently I looked at her and she lowered her head in shame. Shame and modesty are inseparable, they are an integral part of a woman's psyche. The absence of one of them means that the woman has lost her femininity. My dear mother! Do you really love your daughter? Do you wish her happiness in the life of this world and the next? Surely your answer will be affirmative just as you certainly do not want to prevent it from a garden as wide as the Heavens and the Earth - Paradise, where are the blessings that the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard. Then why push him into the fire with your hands? Why drag her with you through the markets spinning from one place to another as if she were a commercial girl or an advertisement? May Allah Almighty protect us all! Why?! Do you know that the fire of the life of this world is only one part of the seventy parts of the Fire of Hell?? Also do you know what they eat, the people of the fire of Hell drink and wear?- It is nothing but fire. Do you know what fire looks like?

Allah Almighty says: “Ai nuk lë send të mbetet pa e djegur. He is the one who spoils and darkens their skins. ” (Koran,74:28-29)

Burns and destroys everything!Ask the scholars and they will give the true answer. My dear sister, Beware of the wrath of Allah Almighty in the life of this world and the next. Fear Allah Almighty regarding your daughter. Pray to the Merciful Allah for forgiveness before it is too late. Beware my dear sister because the evil human eye has no mercy. There is no power nor power except with Allah Almighty.

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