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Black night

A Bedouin, who lived in the desert, he married and the Lord provided him with nine sons as the light of which he was also proud, did not last long and his wife became pregnant again and on a dark night his labor pains came, the Bedouin eagerly awaited the birth of his tenth son, so much so that he had even prepared his rifle and his chamber to celebrate, as he heard the voice and cry of the child, grabbed the gun, and firing it as a sign of joy, heard that she was a girl and out of grief the rifle fell from her hand! started screaming: O my Black Night, O my Black Night, of his wife, after all her sufferings and pains to bring into this world a beautiful girl like the moon, nor did he want to see her, and talk to him, almost she was to blame for all this!
The girl, though it shone like a star in the darkness of night, decided to name it “Black night” and when she reached the age of marriage she married him immediately, and not once did she go to visit him.
The boys got married one after another and each took his own way of life, the woman passed away, the Bedouin was left alone, every day he became so weakened by old age that one day he became blind.
Upon hearing his daughter what had happened to her father she ran to him, he wanted to hug her but he knew his father's attitude towards her, so without making a sound, tidied up the house, grabbed him by the arm and cleaned him, prepared a delicious meal for him and after they ate food, the old man addressed: “Po kush is my beat, that you cared so beautifully for me? The girl with tears in her eyes said: I am “Black night” bija jote o baba.
Upon hearing this the old man burst into tears, and took his daughter's hands, kissing her, and apologizing for his foolishness, and began to recite these verses.:
If only all the black nights were for me
That on black nights prosperity is hidden
If only I could bring life back from the beginning
I would like like this girl first, the second and all I had
No one but her visited me
and perhaps for them I do not even exist
Nine men forgot their parent,
And a single girl compassionately approached me,
How could I “nine black nights” I loved you so much
E “My white night” I hated it!!

Dr. Rijad Imeri

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