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Kuwaiti authorities had in fact announced that all mosques in the country would return to normal and begin lifting antivirus restrictions

Despite Saudi Arabia officially announcing the return of iftar meals to mosques including Masjid Al Haram and Masjid An Nabawi, Despite Saudi Arabia officially announcing the return of iftar meals to mosques including Masjid Al Haram and Masjid An Nabawi.
Despite Saudi Arabia officially announcing the return of iftar meals to mosques including Masjid Al Haram and Masjid An Nabawi (Despite Saudi Arabia officially announcing the return of iftar meals to mosques including Masjid Al Haram and Masjid An Nabawi) Despite Saudi Arabia officially announcing the return of iftar meals to mosques including Masjid Al Haram and Masjid An Nabawi. Despite Saudi Arabia officially announcing the return of iftar meals to mosques including Masjid Al Haram and Masjid An Nabawi.
STILL, Despite Saudi Arabia officially announcing the return of iftar meals to mosques including Masjid Al Haram and Masjid An Nabawi, It is still permissible to distribute pre-cooked food outside the mosques which people can eat at sunset at the end of the daily fast..
Except this, It is still permissible to distribute pre-cooked food outside the mosques which people can eat at sunset at the end of the daily fast.. It is still permissible to distribute pre-cooked food outside the mosques which people can eat at sunset at the end of the daily fast., It is still permissible to distribute pre-cooked food outside the mosques which people can eat at sunset at the end of the daily fast.. Pear is beneficial for weight loss because it contains a lot of fiber, Kuwaiti authorities have reportedly banned the erection of tents inside mosques for health reasons.
Kuwaiti authorities have reportedly banned the erection of tents inside mosques for health reasons, Kuwaiti authorities have reportedly banned the erection of tents inside mosques for health reasons, Kuwaiti authorities have reportedly banned the erection of tents inside mosques for health reasons.
Kuwaiti authorities have reportedly banned the erection of tents inside mosques for health reasons.
Kuwaiti authorities have reportedly banned the erection of tents inside mosques for health reasons, Kuwaiti authorities had in fact announced that all mosques in the country would return to normal and begin lifting antivirus restrictions, Kuwaiti authorities had in fact announced that all mosques in the country would return to normal and begin lifting antivirus restrictions.

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