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My dear son, one day you will see me old, logical life in my mind!

Please give me some time and some patience to understand me, when my hand trembles and food falls on my chest, when you can not run away my clothes - adorn yourself patiently with me!

He remembered the years that have passed, when I learn to do what I will not be able to do!

If I do not look elegant and do not smell good, do not rebuke me!!!

Remember the days of childhood when I tried several times to make you stylish and fragrant.

Do not laugh at me if you see ignorance and not my understanding of the issues of your time.

For, you become my eye and my mind to achieve what has escaped me. - I educated you, I have taught you how to deal with life, and how not to teach me today what is right and what is wrong?!!!

Do not be upset by the weakness of my memory, slow words and thinking about what to say when talking to you, for my happiness from conversation is only to stay with you!!!

When my legs weaken in achieving the goal I desire, be gentle with me and remember that I have held your hand many times so that you can walk. Never be ashamed to hold my hand today, that tomorrow you will ask someone to hold your hand, when you will grow old too!

Know that I do not expect better days like you, but I simply await death!!!

Stay close to me, and not against me!!!

When you remember something from my mistakes, know that I have never wanted anything other than your good.

The best thing you can do for me today is to forgive my omissions, and cover my faults…

May Allah forgive you and cover your omissions! end, your laughter and smiles delight me as when you were little; do not deprive me of your company!

I was with you the moment you were born, be near me when I die!

Allah has said: “Zoti yt ka përcaktuar që të mos adhuroni tjetër përveç Atij dhe të silleni mirë me prindërit. If one of them, or both experience old age in you, do not say “of!Nor speak loudly, but to address them with words of full respect. Extend the arms of humility before them and say: "Oh my God, have mercy on them, as they have cared for me in infancy!” (Isra, 23-24)

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