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Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from Garlic against asthma

Garlic is one of the most beneficial foods for human health. It is rich in nutritional and health values ​​which protect the body from many diseases. Its ingredients have healing abilities for many respiratory problems, including asthma.

Fresh garlic contains twice as much vitamin C as tomatoes, and it is this vitamin that has given garlic the ability to fight asthma as well. Asthma causes narrowing of the airways, their swelling and the large production of secretions that play a blocking role. The difficulty in breathing becomes greater and greater, while it may also be accompanied by cough and wheezing. Asthma is an incurable disease, but man is able to control its symptoms.

What are the symptoms of asthma
People suffering from asthma experience a sudden onset of shortness of breath that may continue for some time. They also suffer from sharp tightness in the chest. Another symptom is cough, sore throat and heavy breathing. When asthma strikes at the same time as the flu or cold, the symptoms become stronger and are accompanied by cough.

What are the benefits of garlic for asthmatics

Stimulates the breakdown of histamine
Vitamin C in garlic promotes the breakdown of histamine, a substance produced by the immune system. It has the task of protecting the body and helping to remove harmful microorganisms, but also promotes allergies manifested by sneezing, tears and itching. Garlic alleviates the symptoms of allergies that worsen asthma.

Neutralizes free radicals
Free radicals are volatile molecules that contract the muscles in the airways in asthmatics. Allicin, a substance found in garlic, neutralizes these free radicals.

Respiratory protection
Garlic stimulates the body to produce lipids which keep the airways open. Asthmatics suffer from blockage of these airways and difficulty breathing. The body is able to produce unblocking substances but garlic increases the productivity of these substances.

Fights Bacteria
Allicin in garlic kills bacteria. The latter are responsible for many allergic reactions that worsen asthma symptoms. Dust in the bedroom is one of the strongest asthma triggers. Eating garlic, bacteria that trigger asthma are eliminated more quickly. To get the best values ​​of garlic, it is advisable to consume it fresh and include it in soups, salads and others. You can also consume garlic by preparing it as a tea. read here how to make garlic tea./ AgroWeb.

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