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The death toll from the Turkey-Syria earthquake passes 24.000, other developments..

The number of dead has passed 24,000 in Turkey and northwest Syria as rescue efforts continue.

  • The death toll in Turkey rose to more than 20,665 according to the AFAD agency, while more than 3,500 were killed in Syria.
  • The United Nations says that until 5.3 million people in Syria could be homeless after the earthquakes, while ready 900,000 people urgently need hot food in Turkey and Syria.
  • The Syrian government has approved the delivery of humanitarian aid to areas affected by the earthquake outside its control, according to state media.
  • Turkey says it is working to open two new roads in rebel-held parts of Syria.
  • Rescues described as miraculous continue more than 100 hours after the tremors of the first earthquake.

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