Associations help the poor

President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani wishes Fitër Bajrami

President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, wished Muslim believers the feast of Ftier Bajram.

it, through a Facebook post has said that despite the pandemic, citizens should congratulate each other.

"The essence of this holiday is solidarity, therefore we must all together do our best to keep alive our tradition of this virtue. ", wrote Osmani on Facebook.

"The feast of Eid al-Fitr marks the end of a month-long fast, in which believers demonstrated sacrifice and a spirit of solidarity by donating something of themselves to the poorest, or for the needy. May God accept your prayers for good health, peace and harmony. The pandemic will be a barrier to the celebration of this holiday, but we must find the strength to congratulate each other in these circumstances with all our hearts and with the hope that we will soon overcome the pandemic ", It is further stated in the post of President Osmani. "Let us have a strong belief that next Eid we will have the opportunity to give meaning to the celebration with physical presence of relatives and friends. Demonstrate harmony and coexistence in a solidary society! Happy Fitër Bajrami!”, it is said at the end of the greeting.

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