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Why should we drink saffron tea, the seven miracles it does to your body

Turmeric is an orange-yellow spice commonly used in powder form in various dishes., or in sauce form. It comes from saffron root

The spice is known for its medicinal properties, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory for thousands of years.

Saffron tea has a fantastic aroma, for delicately. Above all, consuming this tea brings fantastic benefits to your body.

1. Relieves the symptoms of arthritis

The strong anti-inflammatory properties of saffron tea can help relieve inflammation and swelling in people with arthritis. This reduces painful symptoms.

One study found that an active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, was effective in reducing pain in patients with osteoarthritis.

2. Helps prevent Alzheimer's disease

While research on what exactly causes Alzheimer's disease is still ongoing, it seems that curcumin found in turmeric can help prevent it.

Turmeric antioxidants prevent the damage that can lead to Alzheimer’s. Even more importantly, some research shows that turmeric may reduce synaptic tissue loss and amyloid accumulation associated with Alzheimer’s development.

3. Helps prevent cancer

Many medicinal properties of saffron tea, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, can contribute to cancer prevention.

The National Cancer Institute has recognized curcumin as an effective anticancer agent, or substance that helps prevent cancer.


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