Associations help the poor

Baked Potato Mashed Cheese

Mashed potatoes are one of the most delicious foods that neither a child nor an adult can say ‘no’ to..

It cooks easily and needs few ingredients.

Creamy puree is prepared with boiled potatoes, salt, butter even with milk.

It goes well with either meatballs or various meats.

In some cases, housewives also use baby cheese or 2-3 spoons of sour cream to give the puree softness, versatility and good taste.


  • 1 tablespoons butter,
  • 2 kg peeled and diced potatoes,
  • 1 cup of full-fat milk tea
  • Half a cup of tea with melted butter,
  • A half teaspoon of thinly sliced ​​mozzarella cheese,
  • 1 cup of tea with finely chopped parmesan cheese,
  • Salt and pepper,
  • 2 tablespoons bread crumbs.


Preheat the oven to 200 rank. Grease the cooking pan with a tablespoon of butter and set aside.

Boil the potatoes in a pot of boiling salted water for 15 minutes until softened.

Drain and put back in the pot. In another bowl heat the milk and butter

Then press them slowly and steadily until you get a thick creamy mass. Add the milk and butter and mix the puree with a wooden spoon.

Add salt and pepper, then mozzarella cheese and three-quarters of the parmesan cheese set aside..

Once you have mixed it well, throw the puree in the greased pan.

Flatten its surface with a wooden spoon and then toss the bread crumbs and the rest of the parmesan cheese on top..

Put the pan in the oven and bake for circles 20 minutes or until the surface of the puree takes on a golden color.

If you are not going to serve the puree, then pour butter on its surface and keep wrapped in a warm place.

The puree stays warm for at least 30 minutes

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