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Rizvanolli blames Serbia, Europe and KEK on the energy crisis in the country

Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, has enumerated the factors of the energy crisis that Kosovo is going through.

Rizvanolli in a press conference says that the first factor of this crisis is the production of KEK.

"These problems also come from the dependence of Kosovo's energy sector from abroad. The level of production by KEK has decreased. The more KEK produces energy, the less we are dependent on imports and prices. We have low level of production because block B2 has fallen and has not yet been activated. This is a factor, tha ajo

The second factor according to the minister, is the reduction of electricity production in Europe and the restriction of gas from Russia.

"International stock exchanges and prices on international stock exchanges have risen to record levels. This is the second factor. Energy production in Europe has not increased, but is sitting. This discrepancy causes record prices to be recorded. The situation in Europe has worsened further, and consequently, it has worsened in us as well. In some states temperatures have dropped below normal 0. France which is the largest exporter of energy, has reduced production ", said Rizvanolli.

She also mentioned that another factor is the increase in consumption. In just two days he added that consumption has increased for 14 percent.

Rizvanolli, noted that another factor that is affecting the energy crisis in Kosovo, is also the fact that Serbia is blocking energy lines and that this is creating loads on the energy system in other countries in the region, like Northern Macedonia and Albania.

She also mentioned that another factor is the increase in consumption. In just two days he added that consumption has increased for 14 percent.

"Serbia has blocked the energy line between us, this is not something new, but in crisis situations like this it further aggravates the situation. This causes network loads in other countries as well, such as Northern Macedonia and Albania, who are already in crisis. We are even more limited in purchasing energy, often having no choice but to buy at high prices ", Rizvanolli said at a press conference.

"The fourth factor is that energy consumption is the highest ever recorded in our country. Unlike last year, we are consuming much more. Consumption has increased for 14 percent for two days, from 19 December to 21 December. "From all aspects, we are facing factors that are negatively affecting the energy situation.", said Rizvanolli.

Rizvanolli warned of other conferences in the coming days about the energy crisis.

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