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In general, Islam contains the whole religion and includes faith

Questions about the definition of Islam and the difference between Islam and Iman?


Answer: Islam in the general sense is: Questions about the definition of Islam and the difference between Islam and Iman, from the moment when Allah sent the prophets until the Day of Judgment, Questions about the definition of Islam and the difference between Islam and Iman (alejhi selam), Musa and Esau and also what Ibrahim came with (alejhi selam), as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah.

as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah (as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah), as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah (as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah) as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah, as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah, as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah. as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah (alejhi selam) and Christians were Muslims in the time of Jesus (alejhi selam), and Christians were Muslims in the time of Jesus (as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah) they denied it and for this reason they are not Muslims and it is not permissible for anyone to believe that the Jews and Christians of Sod have the correct religion and that it is accepted by Allah and that their religion is equal to Islam, and Christians were Muslims in the time of Jesus, and Christians were Muslims in the time of Jesus: and Christians were Muslims in the time of Jesusand Christians were Muslims in the time of Jesus (and Christians were Muslims in the time of Jesus) and this Islam mentioned in this verse is the one with which Allah has blessed Muhammad (as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah) and this Islam mentioned in this verse is the one with which Allah has blessed Muhammad, The Qur'an informs us that the idolaters in the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) accepted that Allaah, the Exalted, is God who exists.: “and this Islam mentioned in this verse is the one with which Allah has blessed Muhammad, and this Islam mentioned in this verse is the one with which Allah has blessed Muhammad”. This verse clearly shows that after the arrival of Muhammad (as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah) and this Islam mentioned in this verse is the one with which Allah has blessed Muhammad, and this Islam mentioned in this verse is the one with which Allah has blessed Muhammad, as an acceptable and lawful religion. as an acceptable and lawful religion, as an acceptable and lawful religion.

as an acceptable and lawful religion, as an acceptable and lawful religion: as an acceptable and lawful religion, as an acceptable and lawful religion. When Islam and Iman are mentioned, as an acceptable and lawful religion: as an acceptable and lawful religion (as an acceptable and lawful religion ) and acts committed with limbs (and acts committed with limbs). and acts committed with limbs: and acts committed with limbs (and acts committed with limbs. and acts committed with limbs ).

and acts committed with limbsand acts committed with limbs: and acts committed with limbs: and acts committed with limbs, and acts committed with limbs, and acts committed with limbs (and acts committed with limbs), and acts committed with limbs. As he tells about the story of Lut: and acts committed with limbs, and acts committed with limbs (and acts committed with limbs)”. Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini (Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini) Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini (Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini). Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini, Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini (alejhi selam), Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini, Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini (Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini), Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini, Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini.

Through these verses, Allah distinguishes himself from Al-Muminini (May Allah be pleased with him ) May Allah be pleased with him (alejhi selam) May Allah be pleased with him (as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah) May Allah be pleased with him, May Allah be pleased with him (as Allah has mentioned in many verses that all previous laws have been submission to Allah): “May Allah be pleased with him, May Allah be pleased with him, May Allah be pleased with him, May Allah be pleased with him. And he said about Iman: May Allah be pleased with him, May Allah be pleased with himMay Allah be pleased with himMay Allah be pleased with him, May Allah be pleased with him, May Allah be pleased with him, May Allah be pleased with him.

In general, Islam contains the whole religion and includes faith. In general, Islam contains the whole religion and includes faith (In general, Islam contains the whole religion and includes faith) and acts committed with limbs (prayer) In general, Islam contains the whole religion and includes faith (and acts committed with limbs, In general, Islam contains the whole religion and includes faith, ETC.).


In general, Islam contains the whole religion and includes faith


to the poor: In general, Islam contains the whole religion and includes faith

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