Associations help the poor




Program of the Association:

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

This association was created only to help the poor and orphans, seeing the terrible situation in our homelands, we decided that with your help, sisters and brothers, we can come to the aid of these families..

-The motto of this Association is: We rejoice the poor and the Orphans


-Name of the Association :Swiss Muslim Sisters Foundation


-The headquarters of this Association is in Bellach - Solothurn- Switzerland

-The purpose of this association is also to gather I. ( old clothes ) used,

As well as sending them to places where there is a need.

-Collaboration with Muslim Sisters here and abroad in Switzerland

-The meeting with the Muslim Sisters takes place through gatherings in the Mosques for information.

contact with FMMZ you can do by e-mail address as below :


Select language : E-mail


In the end we will quote a Qur'anic verse where it speaks of the POOR, may Allah reward you .

Let me turn to you my Muslim sister!


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


KUR AN: (Those who are stingy with what Allah has given you of His bounty,not to think sparingly that it is to their advantage.No it is to their detriment.That good with what they stingy ,on the Day of Resurrection it will be wrapped around their necks). Eli Imran 180.

Just as you entrust your soul,that I will not stay in your body forever,so you owe your wealth,that it also has its end. It is the point of the question and how we know to use it and how and where to spend it.!

To ask: Wet rain and snow,when you and I are overhead?Do not shake hands and feet ,when you and I are dressed?Does your stomach hurt?,when you are hungry,it weakens the heart when it sees the baby crying,he has nothing to eat,,tears flow from the pain and oil the orphan(fatherless) when we go out without a book in hand he does not know what to do,just knows how to water ,and remind the creator!

I appeal to all Muslim sisters to join hands,to make a strong hand which can easily remove the door of poverty because it is a very heavy iron door that only one hand can open.

We help the poor because we are the ummah MUHAMMED MUSTAFAS half are us and half are our sons and daughters!

May Allah reward anyone who approaches the price of a date at least.! Esselamun Alejkum ve rahmetull llahi ve berekatuhu

STATUTES – Statutes


Art. 1 The ” Foundation of the Muslim Sisters Switzerland "

Grederstrasse 30

4512 Now


Art. 2

The activities of the association; consists mainly in, because to support poor families in various countries.

Art. 3

The association also organizes meetings in various localities.


Art. 4 The association consists of:

a) Aktivmitgliedern

b) Free members

c) Passive members

Art. 5 Aktivmitglieder

Natural persons can become active members upon request.

The membership fees for active members are CHF 120 per year,- The amount of the contributions are determined annually by the general assembly, at the request of the board, fixed.

The obligations for the current year of the association must be fulfilled.

Members, which damage the interests of the association, can be excluded from a meeting with a two-thirds majority of the voters present. The members concerned are to be heard in advance and informed of the sanctions.

Art. 6 Free members

A free member can be appointed at the request of the board, who has made a contribution to the club. Become active members after 18

years of club activity appointed to free members.

Free members are free of charge.

Art. 8 Passive members

Passive members can be natural and legal persons. You support the association financially. Membership expires, if the annual fee is not paid. You have no voice- and suffrage.

The amount of the passive membership fee is determined annually by the general assembly, at the request of the board, fixed.

Art. 9 Only the association's assets are liable for the association's liabilities. Any personal liability of the association member is excluded.

Art. 10 The resignation can take place at any time in writing at the end of the association year,


Art. 11 Active-, Free- and honorary members enjoy the same rights and are voting- and eligible to vote. There is no obligation to play.


Art.12 1) General Assembly

2) General meeting

3) Board

4) The auditor

Art. 13 The ordinary general assembly takes place once a year in the first quarter. It is convened by the board of directors and deals with the following matters:

1. Greeting

2. Minutes of the last AGM

3. Annual report of the President (s)

4. Annual reports (rest)

5. Annual accounts

6. Approval of the budget

7. Honors

8. various

Art. 14 An extraordinary general meeting is upon request of 1/5 of the active members.

The board of directors can call an extraordinary general meeting of its own accord.

Art. 15 The invitation to the general meeting or the general meeting is only sent by letter. The invitation should be given to members at least 14

Days in advance.

Requests from members must be at least 10 To be submitted in writing to the board of directors days before the general assembly.

Art. 16 In elections and votes, the relative majority decides. The chairman gives the casting vote.

Art. 17 The board consists of at least "3" members. With the exception of the President and the Treasurer, the Board of Directors is self-constituting.

Art. 18 The board represents the association externally. The three signature areas- said President, The vice president and treasurer draw collectively in pairs.

Art. 19 The auditors check the association's accounts and any special funds. They report to the assembly and submit a motion.



Art. 20 The Articles of Association or individual articles can be submitted by the General Assembly upon request 2/3 Majority can be changed or revised.

Art. 21 The association can only be dissolved at an ordinary or extraordinary general meeting with a majority of 4/5 of the voters present.

Art. 22 Should the association be dissolved, the rich of the organization will go to a humanitarian aid organization.

Art 23 These statutes are at the GV from 06.07.2009 Approved.

For the board of the "Foundation of Muslim Sisters Switzerland"

"Swiss Muslim Sisters Foundation

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