Associations help the poor

Sarma with Grape Leaves

May 8, 2021

The tradition of Albanian cuisine is rich with wonderful recipes adapted with fresh products of every season.


(The ingredients below are for 4-5 person)

40 piece of grape leaves

5-6 green onions

1 cup of rice tea


A bunch of parsley



2 cups of olive oil coffee

The juice of one lemon

A cup of tea with minced meat


For the preparation of this recipe, choose large, green grape leaves.

Firstly, the grape leaves are cleaned and boiled in boiling water for 8-10 minutes.

Then, drain and open as they are hot as if cooled they stick to each other.

Following, take the green onions and finely chop them.

Knead them in olive oil until their volume drops, then add rice and minced meat if you prefer, mix it all together and then add the salt, dill, mint.

Some housewives add a handful of minced spinach or sorrel in addition to spices.

Kaurdisini in a few minutes, remove from the heat and start preparing the grape leaf filling.

Each of the grape leaves, the tail is cut off and a tablespoon of the rice filling is placed in the middle.

First the sides are gathered and rolled into a roll.

Put them in the pot where you laid some grape leaves.

I add salt, a half glass of water, olive oil, a plate is placed on top and left to simmer until the japraks absorb all the water.

Once they are ready, when served the japraks are sprinkled with lemon juice and if you prefer for more flavor with a few drops of fresh melted butter.

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