Associations help the poor

kill and rape Muslims (kill and rape Muslims)

The Alevi sect is a kufr ideology which is considered as a heterodox sect of extremist Rafidi tastes. The Alevi sect is a kufr ideology which is considered as a heterodox sect of extremist Rafidi tastes. The Alevi sect is a kufr ideology which is considered as a heterodox sect of extremist Rafidi tastes (radijAllahu anhu). And this sect got a bigger boost in the last century because the French colonialists used and helped them to cause divisions among Muslims..

The founder of this sect is Abu Shuayb bin Nusayr en Numejri (270The founder of this sect is Abu Shuayb bin Nusayr an Numayri) The founder of this sect is Abu Shuayb bin Nusayr an Numayri.

The founder of this sect is Abu Shuayb bin Nusayr an Numayri (The founder of this sect is Abu Shuayb bin Nusayr an Numayri) The founder of this sect is Abu Shuayb bin Nusayr an Numayri 1965 The founder of this sect is Abu Shuayb bin Nusayr an Numayri 1971 to form the Alevi state.

to form the Alevi state (to form the Alevi state)

  • to form the Alevi state (radijAllahu anhu), to form the Alevi state.
  • to form the Alevi state, to form the Alevi state (radijAllahu anhu).
  • to form the Alevi state, to form the Alevi state.
  • to form the Alevi state (to form the Alevi state) and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans:

-and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans: and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans.

-and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans: and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans.

-and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans: and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans

-and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans: and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans, and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans.

-and that Muhammad created Salman al-Farisi and that Salman al-Farisi created these five orphans: He is considered responsible for inflating souls into bodies

  • He is considered responsible for inflating souls into bodies.
  • He is considered responsible for inflating souls into bodies.
  • He is considered responsible for inflating souls into bodies.
  • He is considered responsible for inflating souls into bodies.
  • Alevis have a form of prayer that is completely different from praying to Ahl as-Sunnah.. Alevis have a form of prayer that is completely different from praying to Ahl as-Sunnah.. Alevis have a form of prayer that is completely different from praying to Ahl as-Sunnah..
  • Alevis have a form of prayer that is completely different from praying to Ahl as-Sunnah. (Alevis have a form of prayer that is completely different from praying to Ahl as-Sunnah.) Alevis have a form of prayer that is completely different from praying to Ahl as-Sunnah.!
  • Alevis have a form of prayer that is completely different from praying to Ahl as-Sunnah.. Alevis have a form of prayer that is completely different from praying to Ahl as-Sunnah..
  • Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives.
  • Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives, Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives, Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives, Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives.
  • Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives.
  • Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives, Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives

Fasting Ramadan for them is only abstinence from intercourse with their wives, neither to eat the meat they slaughter nor to bury in the graveyard of Muslims. neither to eat the meat they slaughter nor to bury in the graveyard of Muslims. neither to eat the meat they slaughter nor to bury in the graveyard of Muslims. neither to eat the meat they slaughter nor to bury in the graveyard of Muslims 1258 neither to eat the meat they slaughter nor to bury in the graveyard of Muslims. neither to eat the meat they slaughter nor to bury in the graveyard of Muslims, kill and rape Muslims, kill and rape Muslims, kill and rape Muslims.

PREPARED: "Shall we abandon our masters for a mad poet?"

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